Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 30-2865-6.3 - Accreditation ProcessA. General Provisions.1) Each practical nursing program in Mississippi will be visited by an accreditation site team every eight (8) years, or more often if necessary.2) Each program will submit four (4) Self-Study Reports to the Board PN Education Program Director, at least six (6) weeks prior to any scheduled state accreditation visit. Failure to submit at least six (6) weeks prior to the scheduled state accreditation visit, can result in a delay scheduling the accreditation site visit.3) If the practical nursing program receives national accreditation, the self-study for the national accreditation can be submitted in place of the state's self-study, if completed within the past twelve months. The selfstudy for national accreditation must be cross referenced with the state's accreditation standards. Failure to cross reference the standards can result in the accreditation visit being rescheduled.4) The state's accreditation visit will not be made at the same time as a national accreditation visit, unless requested by the program director; however, the program may request that the Board PN Education Program Director be present during the national accreditation visit.5) The full membership of the Mississippi Board of Nursing will approve or deny accreditation of a practical nursing program based on the accreditation visit team's final report of findings and recommendation of accreditation status.B. Responsibilities of the Board Prior to Accreditation Visit. The Board PN Education Program Director shall: 1) Confirm with the institution's president and administrator, the scheduled dates of the accreditation visit for that school. Accreditation visits will be made when the school is in session.2) Select accreditation team members and appoint one member of the team to serve as chair. The accreditation team is selected by Board PN EducationProgram Director. The typical composition of an accreditation team consists of Board staff and three (3) members from the practical nursing education community. The team should include at least one (1) practical nursing director/administrator. Past or present administrators and faculty of the nursing program being evaluated will not serve on the accreditation team for their own program. If a practical nursing director/administrator of the school being visited objects to a particular team member with just cause, the administrator may appeal to the Board PN Education Program Director. 3) Submit the following to the institution: (a) Accreditation Standards and Rules and Regulations for Accreditation of Mississippi Programs of Practical Nursing.(b) The names of prospective accreditation site team members.(c) The name of the chair of the accreditation site visit team.4) Submit the following to the accreditation team members:(a) All documents submitted by the institution that pertain to the accreditation visit, including but not limited to, the self-study, program reports, college catalog, program handbook.(b) Accreditation Standards and Rules and Regulations for Accreditation of Mississippi Programs of Practical Nursing.C. Responsibilities of the Institution Prior to Accreditation Visit. The director/administrator of the practical nursing program of the institution shall:1) Plan and schedule all activities of the accreditation visit on the dates determined by Board PN Education Program Director.2) Submit the program's Self-Study Report to the Board PN Education Program Director at least six (6) weeks prior to the scheduled visit.3) Collaborate with the accreditation team chair to plan the agenda for the accreditation visit.4) Reserve hotel rooms for the Accreditation Team (4) four to (6) six weeks prior to the scheduled visit.5) Make provisions for the Accreditation Team meals and travel reimbursement.D. Responsibilities of the Accreditation Team. After the dates for the accreditation visit have been set and the accreditation team has been selected:1) Each accreditation team member is expected to be knowledgeable about the accreditation process, the "Standards for Accreditation," and the "Rules and Regulations for Accreditation of Mississippi Programs of Practical Nursing".2) The accreditation team works together to share responsibility for all aspects of the visit.3) The accreditation team chair's responsibilities include:(a) Communicating with the practical nursing program director/administrator regarding major planning for the visit.(b) Allocating responsibilities for various activities, prior to the accreditation visit, to assure optimum utilization of team members.(c) Ensuring adequate coverage of all areas during the visit, including interviews or conferences with essential personnel.(d) Acting as the official spokesperson for the accreditation team.(e) Requesting any additional materials as needed from the practical nursing director/administrator during the accreditation visit.(f) Meeting with the practical nursing director/administrator prior to reading the preliminary report at the exit interview.(g) Reading the preliminary report at the exit interview to the practical nursing director/administrator, faculty, staff, students and administrators that may be in attendance. The chair may share the responsibility of reading the report among the accreditation team members.4) The accreditation team members' responsibilities include: (a) Reviewing the Self-Study Report and supporting documents, prior to the accreditation visit to become thoroughly knowledgeable with the assigned portions of content.(b) Meeting on the evening prior to the accreditation visit to discuss SelfStudy Report and to outline the procedures to be followed during the visit. The practical nursing program is not responsible for hosting this meeting.(c) Answering any questions regarding assigned portions of accreditation visit and Self-Study Report posed by the practical nursing director/administrator and administrative personnel.5) The accreditation team's role during the accreditation visit is to verify, clarify, and amplify the information submitted by the practical nursing program in relation to the state standards for accreditation.6) Each aspect of the program must be evaluated only in terms of the evidence presented as it relates to the standards for accreditation.E. Conducting the Accreditation Visit. In conducting the accreditation visit, every effort is made to not interrupt the ongoing daily activities of the institution. 1) When planning the agenda and activities involved in the accreditation visit:(a) The accreditation team ensures that any adjustments to the schedule are done at the convenience of the college whenever feasible.(b) The agenda includes time set aside each day for the accreditation team to review the various materials and appropriate records.(c) The agenda includes time on the second day for the accreditation team to compile the preliminary report(d) The institution shall plan the following activities to take place during the visit for the accreditation team:1. Preliminary, interim, and closing conferences with faculty; administrative officers of the institution;2. Observations in selected clinical settings to observe and talk with students;3. Tours of the classroom and laboratory space;4. Conferences with nursing students;5. Visits to appropriate college facilities(e) Accreditation team members should not request materials from the college for personal use. Only materials needed to supplement the selfstudy or follow-up report should be requested.F. Preparing the Accreditation Team's Preliminary and Final Report.1) The preliminary report is a report of each team member's accreditation visit findings and is:(a) Drafted by the chair of the accreditation team before the team leaves the accreditation visit.(b) To be read and discussed by the accreditation team members with the practical nursing director/administrator prior to reading the report to the faculty and administrators. (c) The preliminary report will be read by the chair at the exit interview to the practical nursing director/administrator, faculty, staff, students and administrators that may be in attendance. The chair may share the responsibility of reading the report among the accreditation team members.2) The accreditation team's Final Report must be submitted to Board PN Education Program Director within fourteen (14) business days after the conclusion of the accreditation visit and should:(a) Assure that the accreditation team's report supplements and complements the program's self-study.(b) Clarify questionable areas of the practical nursing program's Self-Study or follow-up report.(c) Present a concise, unbiased, and complete picture of each practical nursing program that includes documentary evidence of meeting or not meeting state standards for accreditation and an assessment of the strengths and areas needing development.(d) The Accreditation Team's Final Report which includes a recommendation for accreditation will be submitted to the full membership of the Mississippi Board of Nursing for a decision of accreditation status during a full Board Hearing.30 Miss. Code. R. 2865-6.3
Miss. Code Ann. §§ 73-15-25, 73-15-27 (1972, as amended)