Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 30-2865-1.2 - Definitions of terms for Part 2865A. Accreditation Site Team: Accreditation Site Team selected by the Board and LEA to visit nursing programs for the purpose of verifying and clarifying data presented in self-study or progress report. Selection is made at the discretion of the Board Practical Nursing Education Director.B. Adjunct Faculty: All faculty who teach nursing courses in the program(s) being accredited and who have adjunct faculty employment status as determined by the governing institution.C. Administrator: The person with designated authority and responsibility to direct the practical nursing program and/or program of nursing. This person may be called the director, dean, chair, etc.D. Affiliation Agreement: Written agreement between the practical nursing programs and healthcare facilities.E. Annual Report: Report submitted annually by the administrator of the program that updates information on files with the board and validates continuing compliance with minimum standards.F. Assisting Staff/Personnel: Persons employed in a unit of nursing who support the nursing education program, but who are not classified as faculty by the governing institution.G. Board: The Mississippi Board of Nursing.H. Compliance: Adhering to the standards and criteria for accreditation.I. Complaints: A formal, written charge against a practical nursing program.J. Continuing Education: Planned, organized learning experiences designed to augment the knowledge, skill, and ability to enhance nursing practice and therefore improve health care delivered to the public.K. Course Objective: Course-level objectives of the nursing program.L. Curricula: All courses and planned program activities designed for completing a practical nursing program as defined by the Mississippi Community College Board (MCCB).M. Distant Education: A formal education process which online learning is combined with traditional learning for an all-inclusive learning experience. Instructions can be synchronous or asynchronous (Commission on Regulation and Postsecondary Distance Education, 2013).N. Due Process: A formal proceeding based on established rules and principles that are not unfair, arbitrary, or unreasonable.O. Fiscal Resources: Financial means to purchase, obtain supplies, materials, equipment, services, and personnel.P. Full-Time Faculty: All faculty who teach nursing courses in the program(s) being accredited and who have full-time faculty employment status as determined by the governing institution.Q. Governing Organization: The educational agency which the practical nursing program is an integral part.R. LEA: Local Educational Agency.S. NCLEX®: National Council of State Board of Nursing Licensure Examination.T. Online learning: A delivery model that is an interactive computer-based and internet-connected learning environment in which students are separated from the instructor by time or location or both and in which an instructor is responsible for providing instruction.U. Outcomes: Performance indicators measured at the end of any activity to determine the extent to which the purposes of the activity are being achieved.V. Part-Time Faculty: All faculty who teach nursing courses in the program(s) being accredited and have part-time faculty status as determined by the governing organization.W. Plan of Compliance: Written program for complying with state accreditation standards submitted by the administrator for the practical nursing program at the request of the Board.X. Practical Nurse: The practice of nursing by a licensed practical nurse means the performance for compensation of services requiring basic knowledge of the biological, physical, behavioral, psychological and sociological sciences and of nursing procedures which do not require the substantial skill, judgment, and knowledge required of a registered nurse. These services are performed under the direction of a registered nurse, an advanced practice registered nurse, a licensed physician or licensed dentist and utilize standardized procedures in the observation and care of the ill, injured and infirm; in the maintenance of health; in action to safeguard life and health; and in the administration of medication and treatments prescribed by any advanced practice registered nurse, licensed physician or licensed dentist authorized by state law to prescribe.Y. Practical Nursing Program: The department, school, division, or college within a governing organization that offers one or more nursing programs at selected sites.Z. Preceptors: Individuals in a practice setting who function as role models and who assist individual students in achieving specific objectives. Preceptors shall be academically/experientially prepared at or beyond the level for which the preceptor service is rendered and shall have a minimum of one (1) year of experience.AA. Program of Nursing: Certificate program in nursing. The total curriculum, funding, faculty, facilities, and other resources available or required by the practical nursing program or governing institution for a nursing certificate.BB. Self-study: Self-study in the practical nursing program shall take into consideration previous evaluation instruments and their results, number of students enrolled, attrition rate, number of students completing, number of students placed, and percentage of students passing NCLEX-PN. It shall also include clinical site usage and affiliation agreements.CC. Simulation: A technique, not a technology, that allows activities or events to be replicated for the purpose of practicing, learning, evaluation, or testing using scenarios, high fidelity manikins, medium-fidelity manikins, standardized patients, role playing, skills stations, and computer-based critical thinking simulation.DD. State Accreditation: the approval by the Board of a Practical Nursing Program.EE. State Accreditation Standards: Rules and Regulations for State Accreditation of Practical Nursing Programs.FF. State-Accredited Status: Status for a Practical Nursing Program that has met all standards set forth in "Accreditation Standards and Rules and Regulations for Mississippi Programs of Nursing." State accreditation is required for graduates of Mississippi schools of nursing to take the licensed practical nurse examination (NCLEX-PN).GG. Statement of need and feasibility: Current evidence of need for professional and practical nurses, additional program(s), and community support.HH. Systemic Plan of Evaluation (SPE): A written comprehensive document that contains specific, measurable expected levels of achievement and appropriate assessment methods.II. Traditional Experience: Planned, faculty-guided learning experiences that involve direct contact with patients in an inpatient, ambulatory care, or community setting (NCSBN Model Act, 2012a).JJ. Traditional education: Education which instruction takes place between an instructor and students were all physically present in the same place (e.g. face-to-face).KK. Unencumbered license: A license without a current discipline, condition, or restriction.30 Miss. Code. R. 2865-1.2
Miss. Code Ann. §§ 73-15-25, 73-15-27 (1972, as amended)