30 Miss. Code. R. 2630-1.8

Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 30-2630-1.8 - Quality Improvement

Each collaborative relationship shall include and implement a formal quality improvement (QI) program which shall be maintained on site and shall be available for inspection by representatives of the Mississippi State Board of Medical Licensure. The quality assurance/quality improvement program shall consist of:

A. Review by a collaborative physician of a random sample of charts, as chosen by the collaborative physician or EMR algorithm, that represent 10% or 20 charts, whichever is less, of patients seen by the APRN every month. Charts should represent the variety of patient types seen by the APRN. Patients that the APRN and collaborating physician have consulted on during the month will count as one chart review.
B. The physician shall ensure maintenance of a log of charts reviewed which include the identifier for the patients' charts, reviewers' names, dates of review, conditions treated, and any comments made by the physician regarding care provided. This log may be kept in paper or electronic format, but it must demonstrate that the collaborative physician has reviewed the charts and provided appropriate feedback for the APRN.
C. A collaborative physician shall meet face to face, either in person or via video conferencing, with each collaborative APRN once per quarter for the purpose of quality assurance, and this meeting shall be documented in the same manner as chart review. The physician denoted as the primary collaborator within MELS, or, in the absence of a noted primary, the physician performing most of the chart review, is ultimately responsible for all QI requirements.

30 Miss. Code. R. 2630-1.8

Miss. Code Ann. §73-43-11 (1972, as amended).
Adopted 8/27/2021
Amended 4/28/2022