Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 30-2630-1.2 - DefinitionsFor the purposes of Part 2630, Chapter 1 only, the following terms have the meanings indicated:
A. "Physician" means any person licensed to practice medicine or osteopathic medicine in the state of Mississippi who holds an unrestricted license, whose practice or prescriptive authority is not limited as a result of voluntary surrender or legal/regulatory order, and who practices within the state of Mississippi for a minimum of twenty (20) hours per week or eighty (80) hours per month (does not include telemedicine or chart review). Exceptions to the in-state practice requirement may be granted by the Board, by and through the Executive Committee, in cases demonstrating good cause. Additionally, temporary permission may be granted by the Executive Director until the request can be heard before the Executive Committee.B. "Primary Care Physician" means a physician whose practice is limited to, or defined as, Family Practice, General Internal Medicine, Mental Health, Women's Health, and/or General Pediatrics.C. "Extended Mileage Collaboration" means a collaborative relationship wherein patients are treated by a nurse practitioner who is located more than seventy-five (75) miles away from the collaborative physician. Excluded from this definition are all licensed hospitals, state health department facilities, federally qualified community health clinics, and volunteer clinics.D. "Primary Office" means the usual practice location of a physician and being the same location reported by that physician to the Mississippi State Board of Medical Licensure and the United States Drug Enforcement Administration as his/her primary practice location.E. "Collaborating/Consulting Physician" means a physician who, pursuant to a duly executed protocol, has agreed to collaborate/consult with a nurse practitioner.F. "Nurse Practitioner" or "APRN" means any person licensed to practice nursing in the state of Mississippi and certified by the Mississippi Board of Nursing to practice in an expanded role as a nurse practitioner.G. "Federal Facility" means any medical facility that conducts patient care on federal property and is operated directly by the federal government (e.g., the Veteran's Administration hospitals and clinic system).H. "Protocol" or "Collaborative Agreement" is a contractual document which sets forth the expectations, practice permissions and boundaries of the relationship between the physician and the APRN.30 Miss. Code. R. 2630-1.2
Miss. Code Ann. § 73-43-11 (1972, as amended)