30 Miss. Code. R. 2630-1.10

Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 30-2630-1.10 - Federal Facilities

Physicians who work within a federal facility that operates under federal law or mandate, and which has established APRNs to be independent providers, are not required to collaborate as described within these rules. As such, physicians in these facilities are not required or otherwise expected to sign off on charts or other documentation for patients whom the physician has not been formally consulted on. Further, any physician signatures on records for patients seen by APRNs in those settings described herein will not be construed as collaborative or supervisory approval of any care provided by said APRNs.

30 Miss. Code. R. 2630-1.10

Miss. Code Ann. § 73-43-11 (1972, as amended).
Adopted 8/27/2021