30 Miss. Code. R. 2605-3.4

Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 30-2605-3.4 - Short-Term Training for Out-of-State Physicians

The Board is aware that there are Mississippi physicians assisting out-of-state physicians in expanding professional knowledge and expertise by offering short-term training to the out-of-state physician. The Mississippi physician wishing to offer this training to the unlicensed out-of-state physician(s) must have their short-term training program approved by the Board.

The Mississippi physician must submit a detailed letter stating the purpose of the short-term training program, the objectives of the course, approximately how long the course will last, and any supporting documentation that would assist the Board in determining the approval status of the program.

An individual wishing to attend the Board approved short-term training is not required to obtain a permanent Mississippi medical license; however, the individual must submit the following to the Board:

A. A completed information form which has been supplied by the Board.
B. A letter from the mentor of the Board approved training program stating that the applicant is going to be participating in the short-term training program and the duration.
C. Verification of a current unrestricted permanent license from the state in which the individual is currently practicing.
D. A permit fee in the amount of $25.

The individual may not participate in the short-term training program until a valid training permit has been issued. The permit will be effective the date the individual is to begin the training and will become null and void the day the individual completes the training.

A short-term training permit is typically valid for two to three days; however, it can be issued up to fifteen (15) days. If during the duration of the training, it is determined that the physician may stay longer than fifteen (15) days, the temporary training permit may be renewed for an additional (15) days. Under no circumstances will the permit be renewed after thirty (30) days. An individual anticipating training for a period longer than thirty (30) days will be required to obtain a permanent Mississippi medical license.

30 Miss. Code. R. 2605-3.4

Miss. Code Ann. § 73-43-11 (1972, as amended).
Adopted July 12, 2007
Amended 4/19/2015
Amended 4/23/2017
Amended 10/2/2023