30 Miss. Code. R. 2201-7.5

Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 30-2201-7.5 - Practice of Distance Professional Services

Any person providing counseling or supervision services through the means of Distance Professional Services (Telemental Health) must meet the following requirements:

1. Be a practicing P-LPC, LPC, or LPC-S in Mississippi.
2. Hold a license in good standing in both the location where services are provided by the professional as well as in the location of the recipient of the services
3. Submit to the Board verification of training (including synchronous or asynchronous audio/video webinars) in TeleMental Health counseling by completing one of the following:
a. Board Certified-TeleMental Health (BC-TMH) credential from the Center for Credentialing and Education, Inc. (CCE), an affiliate of the National Board of Certified Counselors (NBCC), or an equivalent credential as recognized by CCE.
b. Professional training. The professional training must be a minimum of nine (9) clock hours. All professional training must include:
i. HIPAA compliance for Telemental Health
ii. Ethical and legal issues in Telemental Health, including confidentiality/privacy issues
iii. Crisis planning &protocols in Telemental Health
iv. Choosing and using technology in Telemental Health
v. Orienting clients to Telemental Health
vi. Telemental health settings and care coordination
vii. Appropriateness of Telemental Health

Professional training can be gained by either:

(1) Graduate-Level Academic Training (as documented on the syllabus) or
(2) Continuing Education training course (as documented by certificate).
c. P-LPCs can practice TeleMental Health counseling with the approval from his/her/their LPC-S, who must be designated by the Board to be a Distance Professional Services provider.
4. At the time of license renewal, LPCs must document two (2) hours of continuing education in Telemental Health counseling and P-LPCs must document one (1) hour of continuing education in Telemental Health counseling. These continuing education hours are included as part of the required continuing education requirements for renewal.
5. No licensing fee will be assessed for the Distance Professional Services provider designation.

30 Miss. Code. R. 2201-7.5

Adopted 3/16/2018
Amended 1/10/2020
Amended 1/2/2023