30 Miss. Code. R. 2201-1.4

Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 30-2201-1.4 - Definitions

Note: The terms counseling and psychotherapy are used interchangeably throughout this document.

A.Applicant: An individual who has submitted an application packet for licensure as a Provisional Licensed Professional Counselor (P-LPC) or a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC).
B.Approved Educational Institution: An institution offering a graduate degree which is accredited by a regional or national accrediting body approved by the Board.
C.Asynchronous methods: Communication takes place in separate time frames. The transmission does not take place simultaneously. These methods may include, but not limited to, text messaging, email, and chat rooms. (Asynchronous methods are not an acceptable practice of counseling in Mississippi.)
D.Board: The Mississippi State Board of Examiners for Licensed Professional Counselors.
E.Board Qualified Supervisor (LPC-S): A Mississippi LPC who has completed the Board requirements and has been approved to provide supervision as Clinical Supervisor to an Applicant. An LPC-S is one who monitors the performance of an Applicant by providing documented synchronous one-to-one and/or group face-to-face consultation, supervision, guidance, and instruction with respect to the clinical skills and competencies of the supervised individual. A Board qualified supervisor is required to be trained in counseling supervision, have the required experience, and have been approved by the Board as a Board qualified supervisor and identified by the LPC-S designation.
F.Clock Hours: Fifty to sixty minutes in a continuing education activity.
G.Clinical Setting: A setting in which professional counseling/psychotherapy is offered.
H.Competency Area: An area in which a person possesses training, experience, knowledge, skills, and the ability to apply them in the clinical setting.
I.Complainant: A person who has filed an allegation with the Board against a Licensee.
J.Continuing Education Hours (CEH): Term representing the clock hours of continuing education and how a Licensee may describe continuing education experience.
K.Counseling/Psychotherapy Procedures: Counseling/Psychotherapy is the application of mental health, psychological, or human development principles, through cognitive, affective, behavioral, or systemic intervention strategies that address wellness, personal growth, or career development, as well as pathology. Counseling/Psychotherapy involves diagnosis, assessment, and treatment by the use of counseling/psychotherapy methods and techniques, both verbal and nonverbal, which require the application of principles, methods, or procedures of understanding, predicting and/or influencing behavior and motivation; the use of informational and community resources for personal or social development; the use of group and/or placement methods and techniques which serve to further the goals of counseling/psychotherapy; designing, conducting and interpreting research on human subjects and on any consultation on any item above; and appraisal techniques including, but not limited to, testing of achievement, abilities, interests, aptitudes and personality.
L.Declaration of Practice: A document submitted to the Board by a P-LPC which indicates the qualifications of the P-LPC, the counseling process, expectations of the client and counselor, supervision requirements, and notes the competence of the P-LPC in providing services. A P-LPC must provide an updated Declaration of Practice document each time a site or supervisor changes.
M.Direct Service: A term that refers to time spent in work directly related to clients. Direct Services are only face-to-face or synchronous methods of counseling including individual counseling, couples/family counseling, group counseling, and testing and assessment.
N.Distance Professional Services: Counseling, consulting, and clinical supervision services provided by an LPC in one location to a recipient of services in another location by means of secure electronic communication ensuring HIPAA compliance in synchronous methods and, as appropriate, verbal telephone communications.
O.Fees for Licensed Counseling Services: Any form of compensation received for the practice of counseling.
P.Group Supervision: The process of clinical supervision of more than one person but no more than six (6) persons in a group setting provided by an LPC-S, not to include asynchronous methods.
Q.Individual Supervision: "Face-to-face" supervision of the individuals involved in the supervisory relationship during one-to-one supervision, not to include asynchronous methods.
R.Lapsed Status: A Licensee who fails to renew license in a timely manner. Lapsed individuals are not licensed to practice.
S.Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC): An individual who has completed the Board requirements and been approved as an LPC. This designation shall mean and is restricted to any person who presents himself/herself to the public by any title or description of services incorporating the words "licensed professional counselor" or "psychotherapist" and who offers to render professional counseling or psychotherapy services to individuals, groups, or organizations, corporations, institutions, government agencies or the general public for a fee, monetary or otherwise, implying that he/she is licensed in Mississippi.
T.Licensee: A Counselor who holds a current license from the Mississippi State Board of Examiners for Licensed Professional Counselors.
U.Mandatory Audit: Ten percent of Licensees will be randomly selected for an audit of their reported continuing education activities at the time of license renewal.
V.Memorial Status: Upon receipt by the Board office of notification of death of a Licensee, the license status will change to Memorial Status.
W.Moral Turpitude: Behavior considered reckless or with evil intent that shocks the public conscience and is contrary to the rules of morality and the duties owed between people or to society in general.
X.Non-Practicing Status: Licensees may renew their license without completing continuing education. Non-practicing status does not allow for individuals to promote himself/herself as a Licensed Professional Counselor, practice Counseling/Psychotherapy, provide Group or Individual Supervision, provide Distance Professional Services, or bill for Counseling/Psychotherapy services.
Y.Probation Status: Probation Status may result in a stay of suspension during which timelimited practice conditions are stipulated by the Board. Failure to meet any of these conditions may result in suspension, restriction, or revocation.
Z.Practice of Counseling/Psychotherapy: Rendering, offering to render, or supervising those who render to individuals, groups, organizations, corporations, institutions, government agencies, or the general public any service involving the application of counseling procedures and other related areas of behavioral sciences to help in learning how to solve problems or make decisions related to personal growth, marriage, family, or other interpersonal or intrapersonal concerns.
AA.Provisional Licensed Professional Counselor (P-LPC): An individual who has completed the Board requirements and been approved as a P-LPC. This designation shall mean and is restricted to any person who holds himself or herself out to the public by any title or description of services incorporating the words "provisional licensed professional counselor" or "psychotherapist", and who offers to render professional counseling or psychotherapy services, under the supervision of a Board qualified supervisor (LPC-S), to individuals, groups, organizations, corporations, institutions, government agencies or the general public for a fee, monetary or otherwise, implying that he or she is licensed.
BB.Restriction Status: Restriction Status is a limitation placed on the scope of a Licensee's practice.
CC.Retired Status: An LPC, who, of his/her/their own volition, chooses to cease practice. This category is not related to any disciplinary action which would be the cause of ceasing to practice. An LPC's request for retired status is subject to Board approval. A Licensee in Retired Status cannot practice as an LPC in Mississippi. Retired Status is a permanent status.
DD.Revocation: The withdrawal of the privilege to practice as a Licensee in the State of Mississippi.
EE.Revoked Status: The Licensee's privilege to practice in the state of Mississippi has been withdrawn as a result of disciplinary action. (Rule 5.4.F.)
FF.Supervision: The ongoing process performed by an LPC-S in assisting the supervised counselor in developing expertise in methods of the professional mental health counseling practice, in developing self-appraisal, and professional development strategies.
GG.Surrendered Status (Disciplinary Action): A licensee under Board investigation due to disciplinary action may be allowed to surrender license, subject to Board approval, and shall return his/her/their license to the Board and shall not be allowed to practice in the state of Mississippi.
HH.Surrendered Status (Voluntarily): A Licensee who wishes to voluntarily surrender their license for personal reasons by returning license to the Board shall not be allowed to practice in the state of Mississippi. A Licensee may not surrender license voluntarily while under investigation by the Board.
II.Suspension Status: Suspension Status is the withdrawal of the privilege to practice for a specified period of time.
JJ.Synchronous methods: A two-way audiovisual link between the client and the provider. This communication method requires the presence of both parties at the same time and a communication link between them that allows a real-time interaction to take place with no perceivable delay.
KK.Total Hours: Sum total of direct service hours, indirect service hours, and individual and group supervision hours.

30 Miss. Code. R. 2201-1.4

Miss Code Ann. § 73-30-3 & 73-30-7 (6) (Rev. 2018)
Amended 1/10/2020
Amended 12/24/2021
Amended 1/2/2023