30 Miss. Code. R. 2101-7.3

Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 30-2101-7.3 - Interior
A. Each establishment must be kept clean and in good condition.
B. Floors in any area where services are performed must be covered with a non- porous material.
C. All solid waste and refuse must be kept in containers of solid construction with lids, so constructed that they may be thoroughly cleaned and must be maintained in a clean condition. Waste and refuse must be removed from the premises as frequently as necessary to prevent a nuisance and unsightliness.
D. Hair and nail clippings must be removed from the floor and surface areas following each client.
E. Animals are not permitted in an establishment. Exception is a registered service animal.
F. Water Supply
1. Each establishment must be provided with an adequate supply of potable running water, under pressure, from an approved source. The potable water system must be installed to preclude the possibility of backflow, with no cross connections through which the potable water might become contaminated.
2. Adequate hot and cold water under pressure must be provided in all work booths or work rooms.
3. Adequate drinking facilities must be conveniently provided in each establishment.
4. All drinking fountains must be maintained in a sanitary manner and the stream of water from the fountain head must be properly regulated.
5. The use of a common cup, glass or other receptacle for drinking purposes is expressly prohibited.
G. Restroom Facilities
1. Every establishment must be provided with adequate and conveniently located restroom facilities.
2. At least two restroom facilities must be provided in each school for the students, faculty, staff, and patrons. At least one restroom facility should be provided for employees and patrons in other establishments.
3. All restrooms must be kept clean and in good condition.
4. All restrooms must be well lighted and ventilated to the outside air.
5. All establishments located on a street or alley where a system of sanitary sewers is available must have a properly constructed sewer connection to the sewer system into which human excreta and other liquid waste is disposed. Where no sanitary sewer system is available, all human excreta and other liquid waste must be disposed of in a sewage disposal system meeting all the requirements of the Mississippi State Department of Health and/or the Mississippi Department of Natural Resources.
6. Adequate and convenient hand-washing facilities, including sink, hot and cold running water under pressure, an adequately supplied soap dispenser, and disposable towels, or properly laundered cloth stored in a closed container, must be provided in or adjacent to every restroom.
7. Waste and Refuse: All solid waste and refuse must be kept in containers of solid construction with lids and must be removed from the premises as frequently as necessary to prevent a nuisance and unsightliness.

30 Miss. Code. R. 2101-7.3

Miss. Code Ann. §§ 73-7-7, 73-7-33 (Rev. 2013)
Amended 2/27/2015
Amended 1/6/2016