A Landscape Architect is encouraged to seek professional employment on the basis of qualifications and competence for proper accomplishment of the work. This procedure discourages the Landscape Architect from submitting a price for services until the prospective client has selected, on the basis of qualifications and competence, one Landscape Architect or firm for negotiations; however, competitive price proposals may be considered for professional landscape architectural services under the following guidelines:
A. The prospective client has first sought statements of qualifications from interested registrants, and B. Those registrants chosen by the client on the basis of qualifications and competence for proper accomplishment of the work have received in writing a comprehensive and specific Scope of Work prepared by the client or the client's representative that completely describes the factors affecting the required landscape architectural services, and C. Assurances have been given by the prospective client that factors in addition to price will be considered in selecting the professional Landscape Architect. 30 Miss. Code. R. 202-2.1.2