30 Miss. Code. R. 1801-1.5

Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 30-1801-1.5 - Temporary Permit for Work Student/Instructor
A. Any student or student instructor who has completed the total number of prescribed hours in a course of training may be issued a permit to work, which would be valid until the next testing, upon request, as long as the following has been met:
a. Student has met all graduation requirements as set forth by the licensed Barber school.
b. An application from approval for examination has been made and approved by the Board.
c. A completed Board approved application for a permit to work has been submitted the Board.

30 Miss. Code. R. 1801-1.5

Mississippi Code of 1972, 73-5-15 (9)
Amended 4/13/2016