Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 30-1601-1.2 - Changing the Status of a LicenseA. To change a license from active to inactive status, licensee shall notify the Commission in writing, shall insure that the license is returned to the Commission and shall pay the appropriate fee. A licensee who is on inactive status at time of renewal may renew the license on inactive status by filing a renewal application and paying the renewal fee. A broker who terminates a real estate business may place the business license on inactive status. To return to active status, a salesperson or broker/salesperson must file a transfer application. A broker and/or a business license may be activated by notifying the Commission by letter or transfer application including required fee.B. When a licensee wishes to transfer from one broker to another, the transferring licensee must file a transfer application signed by the new broker accompanied by the transfer fee and must furnish a statement that the licensee is not carrying any listings or pertinent information belonging to the former broker unless that broker so consents.C. Any licensee who has entered active duty military service due to draft laws or national emergency shall, upon his return to civilian life and within twelve (12) months after honorable discharge, be considered, so far as this Commission is concerned, to have been continuously engaged in the real estate business in the same capacity as when the licensee entered military service.30 Miss. Code. R. 1601-1.2
Miss. Code Ann. §§ 73-35-35