Section 3-1-03-308 - Crime Scene Cleanup1. Compensation may be awarded for reasonable and necessary out-of-pocket expenses incurred for cleaning supplies, equipment rental and labor needed to clean the scene of a homicide or assault and for which reimbursement from collateral sources is not available including, but not limited to, homeowners' insurance.2. "Cleaning the scene" means to remove, or attempt to remove, from the crime scene, blood, dirt, stains or other debris caused by the crime.3. The victim/claimant must otherwise qualify for compensation before any award can be considered.4. All expenses must be verified by supporting documentation and by signatures of the appropriate individual(s)/official(s). Documentation includes, but is not limited to, itemized bills and receipts.5. All expenses must be evaluated to determine reasonableness of expenses and eligible award amount.6. Additional information and supporting documentation may be requested for determination of expense eligibility.7. Limitations for crime scene cleanup include, but are not limited to, the following: a. Compensation awarded for crime scene cleanup costs does not include replacement and/or repair expenses for personal property and furniture which has been rendered damaged or useless as a result of the crime or the collection of evidence for purposes of investigating the crime.b. Crime scene cleanup benefit does not include places of employment, public access or other premises in which the cleanup costs are not the financial responsibility of the victim/claimant.c. Crime scene cleanup services compensated may only be performed by a professional cleaning service agency or service which specializes in crime scene cleanup. Exceptions will be considered on a case-by-case basis.d. Claims seeking exclusively reimbursement for crime scene cleanup may only be awarded through an eligible victim compensation claim filed with this Division by, or on behalf of, the direct victim. Claims exclusively seeking reimbursement for crime scene cleanup will not be eligible for an award of compensation, but may be merged with and compensated through an eligible claim as described in this paragraph.e. Compensation for crime scene cleanup may not exceed One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00).3 Miss. Code. R. 1-03-308