27 Miss. Code. R. 220-IV-4.6

Current through October 10, 2024
a. If a Participant is or has been a participant in one or more other Code Section 457(b) plans in the same calendar year, then this Plan and all such other plans shall be considered as one plan for purposes of applying the limitations of this Article IV. For this purpose, the Board shall take into account contributions of any other such Code Section 457(b) plan maintained by the Employer and, to the extent the Participant provides the Board with sufficient information concerning his or her participation, any such other Code Section 457(b) plans in which the individual participated in the same calendar year.
b. For years prior to 2002, if a Participant made deferrals to the Plan and deferrals to any other Code Section 457(b) plan, or a salary reduction or elective contribution under any Code Section 401(k) qualified cash or deferred arrangement, Code Section 401(h)(1)(B) simplified employee pension (SARSEP), Code Section 403(b) annuity contract, and Code Section 408(p) simple retirement account, or under any plan for which a deduction is allowed because of a contribution to an organization described in section 501(c)(18) of the Code, including plans, arrangements or accounts maintained by the Employer or any employer for whom the Participant performed services, the total of such contributions may not exceed the aggregated limit referred to in Section 457(b)(2) of the Code for that year in determining whether an excess deferral has been made.
c. For 2002 and thereafter, any amounts contributed by the Participant to a tax-sheltered annuity pursuant to Code Section 403(b) or to a 401(k) plan pursuant to Code Section 402(e)(3) shall not reduce the maximum Annual Deferral under 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, and 4.4 above.
d. If the Employer elects to make contributions to the Plan on behalf of actively contributing Participants, the Employer Contributions shall be deemed made by the Participant as additional Annual Deferrals. For purposes of administering Sections 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, and 4.4 of this Plan, Employer Contributions shall be processed as payroll deferrals, shall apply toward the maximum deferral limits and in the taxable year that they are made, and must comply with any procedure established by the Board.
e. In the event that the limit on deferral contributions is exceeded pursuant to Article IV, the Board shall apply the proper correction method permissible under applicable law, including calculation of any earnings or losses and the proper tax reporting with respect to such distributions as soon as administratively practicable after the Board determines that the amount is an excess deferral.
f. A Participant who participates in the Plan and another 457(b) plan of another employer shall be responsible for complying with the deferral limits of this Article IV. In the event an excess amount has been deferred, the Participant shall notify the Board so that the excess may be distributed as soon as practicable after the Board determines that the amount is an excess deferral.

27 Miss. Code. R. 220-IV-4.6

Amended 10/1/2015
Amended 8/1/2016
Amended 4/1/2017
Amended 1/1/2021
Amended 4/1/2022
Amended 7/1/2023
Amended 12/1/2023