27 Miss. Code. R. 210-45A-102

Current through September 24, 2024
Section 27-210-45A-102 - Application for disability benefits
1. An active member who has the requisite membership service credit as noted below or an active member who is disabled as a direct result of a physical injury sustained from an accident or a traumatic event caused by external violence or physical force occurring in the performance of duty may file an application for disability benefits.

Membership service required to apply for non-duty-related disability benefits:

a. If a member joined PERS before July 1, 2007, the member must have at least four years of membership service credit; or
b. If a member joined PERS on or after July 1, 2007, the member must have at least eight years of membership service credit.
2. Any inactive member who has the requisite membership service credit as noted below is not eligible for disability retirement benefits unless the disability occurs within six months of termination of active service and unless satisfactory medical evidence is presented to establish that the disabling condition was the direct cause of withdrawal from state service. Application for a disability retirement allowance must be filed within one (1) year of termination from active service. This period may be extended by an additional year if it can be factually demonstrated to the satisfaction of the board of trustees that throughout the initial one-year period the member was incapable of applying for benefits by reason of mental or physical impairment as certified by a medical doctor. § 25-11-113(1)(c)

Membership service required to apply for non-duty-related disability benefits:

a. If a member joined PERS before July 1, 2007, the member must have at least four years of membership service credit; or
b. If a member joined PERS on or after July 1, 2007, the member must have at least eight years of membership service credit.

Any inactive member seeking to establish eligibility for non-duty-related disability benefits must have met the applicable vesting period for eligibility at the time he or she withdrew from covered employment.

3. Any member who is or becomes eligible for service retirement benefits under § 25-11-111 while pursuing a disability retirement allowance under § 25-11-113 or § 25-11-114 may elect to receive a service retirement allowance pending a final determination of eligibility for a disability retirement allowance in accordance with Board Regulation 35, Filing an Application for Monthly Benefits and Establishing an Effective Date of Retirement, Section 101.2.d. In such a case, an application for the disability retirement allowance must be on file with the system before the commencement of a service retirement allowance. If the application for disability benefits is approved, the option selected and beneficiary designated on the retirement application shall be used to determine the disability retirement allowance. If the application is not approved or if the application is withdrawn or voided pursuant to Board Regulation 35, Section 101.2.e, the service retirement allowance shall continue to be paid in accordance with the option selected. No person may apply or reapply for a disability retirement allowance after the person begins to receive a service retirement allowance. No person electing to receive a service retirement allowance while pursuing eligibility for a disability retirement allowance may select Option 6, the partial lump sum distribution option, as provided under Miss. Code Ann. § 25-11-115.
4. Any inactive member who is vested for benefits in accordance with § 25-11-113 and who has previously applied for and been denied disability benefits or whose application is voided pursuant to § 25-11-113(1)(f) and Section 105.2 of this Regulation must return to covered service for a period in excess of six calendar months to be eligible to again apply for non-duty related disability benefits. Upon application for non-duty related disability benefits, such member will be required to establish that he or she was, at the time of such employment, physically capable of performing the job for which he or she was hired.

27 Miss. Code. R. 210-45A-102

Miss. Code Ann. § 25-11-113(1)(a) and § 25-11-114(6) (1972, as amended).
Amended 10/1/2016
Amended 2/1/2022