27 Miss. Code. R. 210-42-110

Current through October 10, 2024
Section 27-210-42-110 - Conduct of hearing
1. Each party may be represented by an attorney.
2. At any hearing, the parties shall be entitled to enter an appearance (in person or by an attorney), present evidence, examine and cross-examine witnesses, make arguments, and generally participate in the conduct of the proceeding.
3. The Presiding Officer shall have the authority to administer oaths and affirmations.
4. The appealing party may request that attendance at such hearing be limited to individuals essential to the efficient conduct of the hearing, including but not limited to the claimant, attorneys, witnesses, employer representatives, Presiding Officer, Committee members, court reporter, and PERS administrative and support staff as are necessary. The filing of an appeal shall constitute a waiver of confidentiality only to the extent necessary to process and review the claim.
5. The Presiding Officer may clear the hearing room of witnesses not under examination. PERS may have a representative (in addition to its attorney) remain in the hearing room during the entire course of the hearing, even though the representative may testify. The appealing party may remain in the hearing room throughout the hearing.
6. The matter should be heard as directed by and by sole discretion of the Presiding Officer.
7. The Presiding Officer or any Committee member may question a witness during any part of the direct or cross-examination of such witness.
8. The Presiding Officer shall have the authority to maintain the decorum of the hearing and shall take reasonable steps to do so when necessary, including clearing the hearing room of any person who is disruptive.
9. The Committee may also call upon any party or staff of PERS for further material or relevant evidence upon any issue. However, all parties at interest shall be given a reasonable opportunity to inspect such documents made a part of the record. Further, in the case of disability appeals, the Committee shall have the authority to defer a decision to request a medical evaluation or test or additional existing medical records not previously furnished by the claimant. Failure to provide the additional existing medical records within 90 days of notification of such request or refusal to submit to a medical evaluation or test will result in a recommendation being made by the Committee based on the available information. If, prior to the expiration of the 90-day period, an extension of time is requested in writing, the Executive Director may extend the 90-day period provided the applicant can demonstrate that failure to submit to the medical evaluation or test or to provide the additional information was due to circumstances beyond his or her control.
10. At the conclusion of all testimony, the Committee will adjourn and conclude the hearing. Thereafter, the Committee will retire to deliberate, after which the Committee will submit its proposed statement of facts, conclusions of law and recommendation, where applicable, solely for consideration by the Board. The Board has the sole authority to issue a decision relative to all claims on appeal by rendering its Order.

27 Miss. Code. R. 210-42-110

Amended 6/1/2015
Amended 12/1/2017