27 Miss. Code. R. 210-35-105

Current through October 10, 2024
Section 27-210-35-105 - Effect of Pending Service Credit Transactions on Qualification for a Benefit and on the Effective Date of Benefits
1. The right of a member to repay a refund, to purchase service credit, or to pay an adjustment for unreported wages or service credit belongs only to the member and ceases with the member's death or retirement.
2. A member who wishes to repay a refund to establish previously forfeited service credit must do so before his or her death or before his or her effective date of retirement. Where a member is in the process of repaying any part of a refund, the effective date of retirement cannot be established until the payment is received by PERS.
3. The payment of an adjustment for unreported income and/or service credit based on unreported wages and/or service or for the purchase of optional service credit must be completed prior to the death or the effective date of retirement of the member. If a member is in the process of purchasing service credit based on a reporting error adjustment or purchasing optional service credit at the time of retirement, the effective date of retirement cannot be established until the purchase is completed.
4. The payment for any adjustment for underreported income required to award or retain service credit must be completed prior to the death or effective date of retirement of the member. If a member is in the process of paying contributions and interest at the time of retirement due to an underreporting of earnings, the effective date of retirement cannot be established until the purchase is completed. However, in the case of elected fee officials, benefits can be initiated prior to the complete reporting of the final year's wages and contributions. If, however, full contributions are not remitted to PERS within 90 days following the due date of the fee official's final annual financial report as prescribed by law, PERS may suspend benefits until such time as all contributions and interest, if any, due are made.
5. All rights to purchase retroactive service credit or repay a refund as provided in Miss. Code Ann. § 25-11-101 et seq. (1972, as amended) terminate upon retirement. Likewise, the right of a member to make a claim for service credit for prior service, service credit attributable to unused personal (vacation) and major medical (sick) leave days, military service, out-of-state service, service credit for professional leave, and non-covered service as provided in Miss. Code Ann. § 25-11-109 (1972, as amended) ceases with the member's retirement. Any member who wishes to make a claim for service credit attributable to the above types of service must do so before his or her effective date of retirement. The executive director may, due to extenuating circumstances and at his or her discretion, extend the period for claiming service credit attributable to unused personal (vacation), major medical (sick) leave days, or active duty military service for up to 90 days following the effective date of retirement based on information or documentation provided in a written request from the applicant.

27 Miss. Code. R. 210-35-105

Amended 12/1/2016
Amended 7/1/2017