Miss. Code. tit. 27, pt. 150, att. 150-No. 1

Current through September 24, 2024
Attachment 150-No. 1 - Attachment No. 1 to Information Technology Classifications Special Compensation Plan FY 2022

Information Technology Professional Development Committee

A. The Information Technology Professional Development Committee (ITPDC) is chartered by the Mississippi State Personnel Board (MSPB) as an advisory group for the field of information technology.
B. The purpose of the ITPDC is to make recommendations to MSPB on specific requested personnel actions within the field of information technology, as detailed below.
C. Composition of the ITPDC:
1. The Committee will consist of ten members.
2. In order to have a quorum for a meeting of the Committee, at least five members must be present.
3. The MSPB Executive Director, or MSPB staff member designated by the MSPB Executive Director, will be a permanent member of the ITPDC.
4. The ITS Executive Director, or an ITS staff member designated by the ITS Executive Director, will be a permanent member of the ITPDC.
5. The Chairmanship of the Committee will rotate on a fiscal year basis between the MSPB Executive Director or his/her designee and the ITS Executive Director or his/her designee.

The MSPB Executive Director will serve as chair in odd-numbered fiscal years; the ITS Executive Director will serve as chair in even-numbered fiscal years.

6. The other eight Committee members will be appointed by MSPB from a list of nominees submitted by the ITS Executive Director, as follows:
a. Two additional staff members from ITS;
b. Three Information Technology Directors from state agencies with large information technology staffs (i.e. ten or more full-time positions for jobs in the information technology career model);
c. Three additional information technology professionals from other state agencies.
D. Length of term:
1. Members are appointed for staggered six year terms.
2. If an individual on the committee leaves state employment, changes agencies, or moves to a non-information technology job within the agency, a new member will be appointed to fill the remainder of that individual's unexpired term.
E. Scope of the Committee's Review and Recommendations:
1. The Committee shall review and make recommendations for requests related to the level of information technology positions required within a state agency to effectively perform its technology functions, such as reallocations and requested new positions.
2. The Committee shall review and make recommendations concerning the appropriateness of educational requirements associated with the information technology job classifications.
F. Meeting Schedule:
1. The Committee's regular meeting will be held on the second Tuesday of each calendar month. MSPB will post the meeting date, time, and location each month via the Mississippi Public Meeting Notice Board.
2. If there are no pending requests for the Committee's consideration, the Committee will not meet.
3. Requests to be considered by the Committee should be submitted to MSPB two weeks prior to the Committee meeting. Exemptions to this requirement will be reviewed on a case by case basis. All requirements must be complete to include a letter or SPAHRS screen print, organizational charts showing full reporting structure, and complete role description questionnaire in order to be considered by the Committee.
4. A special called meeting of the Committee may be called at any time at the request of the Chairperson of the Committee. Special called meetings will be posted via the Mississippi Public Meeting Notice Board as soon as the meeting is set.

Miss. Code. tit. 27, pt. 150, att. 150-No. 1

Amended 7/1/2015
Amended 7/1/2016
Amended 7/1/2017
Amended 7/1/2018
Amended 7/1/2019
Amended 7/1/2021