27 Miss. Code. R. 120-6.4

Current through October 10, 2024
Section 27-120-6.4 - PROCESS

The PRS process outlined below provides a brief overview of the annual Review Period. Details of the PRS process are provided with the PRS templates on the MSPB website.

Actions taken by the direct supervisor and the employee at the beginning of the Review Period Section 6.4.(A) are performed within fourteen days of the initial employment date, then at twelvemonth intervals for each subsequent Review Period. Actions taken during Review Sessions Section 6.4.(B) occur three months and nine months after the initial employment date, then at the six-month midpoint for each subsequent Review Period. Actions taken at the end of the Review Period Section 6.4.(C) occur six months and twelve months after the initial employment date, then at twelve-month intervals for each subsequent Review Period.

A.The Beginning of the Review Period

During the first fourteen days of the Review Period, the direct supervisor and employee review, and if necessary, update the job duties of the position and identify what constitutes a Successful (2.0 - 2.9) Performance level.

B.Review Sessions

Review sessions may be held at any time. However, the direct supervisor must conduct a mid-point review session with the employee during the Review Period. As referenced in 6.4(C), failure to perform job duties before the conclusion of a Review Period may warrant immediate corrective or disciplinary action at any time. The purposes of the review sessions during the Review Period are:

1. To provide feedback to the employee concerning the overall assessment of performance during the Review Period.
2. To review and update duties in light of changing requirements of the employee's position.
3. To identify areas of performance requiring improvement and to identify methods/training needed to facilitate that improvement.

The direct supervisor maintains relevant documentation supporting the performance rating of each employee. Examples of such documentation include, but are not limited to:

1. Narrative statements about the employee's performance;
2. Examples of work;
3. Previous Performance Reviews or Performance Development Assessments;
4. Informal Corrective Action (Section 7.5)
5. Formal Disciplinary Action (Section 7.5)

Formal disciplinary action is also maintained in the employee's Human Resources personnel file. Supervisors should coordinate with Human Resources whether documentation of Informal Corrective Action should also be included in the employee's personnel file (Section 7.5). In the event that an agency does not have a Human Resources division, supervisors should coordinate with the appointing authority's designee who has Human Resources responsibilities.

C.The End of the Review Period

Mississippi Code Annotated § 25-9-127 provides that a state service employee may be dismissed or otherwise adversely affected as to compensation or employment status for inefficiency or other good cause. Failure to receive a Successful rating at the conclusion of a Review Period is considered to be inefficiency or other good cause (Section 7.2) warranting possible corrective or disciplinary action. In addition, failure to perform job duties before the conclusion of a Review Period may warrant immediate corrective or disciplinary action at any time (Section 7.2).

Corrective or disciplinary action for an employee's failure to receive a Successful rating and/or non-performance of job duties during a Review Period shall comply with Chapter 7 (Employee Corrective and Disciplinary Action). An employee that is dismissed or otherwise adversely affected as to compensation or employment status (formal disciplinary action defined in Section 7.1 as Written Reprimand, Suspension Without Pay, Involuntary Demotion or Dismissal) may review Chapters 8 and 9 concerning any applicable grievance or appeal procedures. Corrective action such as a documented warning/counseling session or other appropriate informal means intended to correct unsatisfactory job performance (Section 7.5) is not grievable. Although such action is not grievable, Human Resources should appropriately respond to questions or concerns raised by an employee concerning the Performance Review System. In the event that an agency does not have a Human Resources division, the appointing authority's designee who has Human Resources responsibilities should appropriately respond to such questions or concerns.

27 Miss. Code. R. 120-6.4

Adopted 7/1/2016
Amended 7/1/2017
Amended 1/18/2018
Amended 7/1/2018
Amended 1/5/2020
Amended 7/3/2023
Amended 7/12/2024