27 Miss. Code. R. 120-5.13

Current through October 10, 2024

State employees have no ownership rights in or control of State property, which is defined to include all office space, space adjacent to the workplace controlled by the State or State agency, furniture, fixtures, equipment, and inventory including without limitation, all computer software, databases, servers, computer hardware, discs, and information of any kind contained in or recorded on physical or electronic data sources of any kind. Employees are prohibited from using State property for personal use.

Wireless Communication Devices and Electronic Communications

State employees may not directly or indirectly use or allow the use of agency property of any kind, including property leased to an agency, for other than officially approved activities. In addition, employees shall protect and conserve agency property, including wireless communications equipment. Wireless communications equipment includes cellular phones, personal digital assistant devices, and standard and two-way pagers, as well as any similar devices that perform some or all of these functions. Employees are hereby notified that the agency will enforce this policy through a variety of methods and may monitor use of wireless communications equipment to assure compliance.

Wireless communication devices shall be used for legitimate State business only. Use of an agency-provided cellular phone for personal calls may result in appropriate disciplinary action and/or the loss of the use of the phone. The agency may not reimburse employees for any charges on personal wireless communication devices.

Employees should be aware that cellular phone transmissions are not secure transmissions. Confidential information regarding official business should be transmitted from a secure environment.

Storage of Information

All information, in any form, including written materials that pertain to work at a State agency, should be stored on the computer or in an employee's desk in accordance with dictated procedures so that other employees or an employee's supervisor has access to it. Agency Information Technology employees and agency supervisors may have passwords or other information necessary to access an employee's voice mail and email, and duplicate keys, if any, to all desks and file cabinets. Employees are prohibited from locking desks or cabinets unless permitted by management or altering equipment or programs to prohibit access.

Expectation of Privacy

State employees have no expectation of privacy in their work premises. All State property, including an employee's workstation, all physical storage areas and all electronic storage areas, including all software and data on all computers, voicemail and email, are subject to access and inspection at any time by management, other employees or third parties designated by management.

Because agency management may access or inspect an employee's work area at any time to find materials or obtain information, employees should not store any personal documents or materials on or in State property.

Right to Search

The State reserves the right to conduct reasonable searches on, in or of State property and on State premises including, at any time, locked and unlocked areas, for any reason related to the operation of State business. Consent by the employee is implied and lack of cooperation or refusal to permit a search can result in immediate discipline, including termination.

The State or an agency may conduct inspections or searches for illegal drugs, weapons, explosives, contraband or other prohibited materials on, around or in State property, at any time, without notice, whenever there is a reasonable basis to believe that an employee may be in the possession of such materials in violation of policy.

Inspections or searches for prohibited materials may be conducted by any member of management, an independent person appointed by management, law enforcement representatives, or by the State or an agency with its own personnel.

The right to conduct routine searches of agency premises is in addition to the right of an agency to access all State property without requiring consent of the employee.

Personal Property

Employment or continued employment with the State constitutes acknowledgement by employees that routine searches of State property might result in the discovery of an employee's personal possessions or personal information. Because the State or third parties will have access to all areas of State property, employees are encouraged not to store or bring to the workplace any personal property or to transmit or obtain the transmission of personal information or messages using State-owned equipment.

27 Miss. Code. R. 120-5.13

Amended 7/1/2015
Amended 7/1/2016
Amended 7/1/2017
Amended 1/18/2018
Amended 7/1/2018
Amended 1/5/2020
Amended 7/3/2023
Amended 7/12/2024