27 Miss. Code. R. 100-3-403

Current through September 24, 2024
Section 27-100-3-403 - COST OR PRICING DATA
3-403.01General Provision
(a)Contractor Certification: A contractor shall when requested by the buying entity, except as provided in Subsection 3 of this section, submit cost or pricing data and shall certify that, to the best of its knowledge and belief, the cost or pricing data submitted is accurate, complete, and current as of a mutually determined specified date.
(b)Price Adjustment: Any contract, change order, or contract modification under which a contractor certificate is required shall contain a provision that the price to the State, including profit or fee, shall be adjusted to exclude any significant sums by which the State finds that such price was increased because the contractor-furnished cost or pricing data was inaccurate, incomplete, or not current as of the date agreed upon between the parties.
(c)Cost or Pricing Data Not Required: The requirements of this section need not be applied to contracts:
(1) where the contract price is based on adequate price competition;
(2) where the contract price is based on established market prices;
(3) where contract prices are set by law or regulations; or,
(4) where it is determined by the Agency Head in writing that the requirements of this section may be waived and the reasons for such waiver are stated in writing.
(d) When it is determined that an bidder or offeror should provide cost or pricing data to justify a bid or proposal, this regulation may be used as a guideline for such negotiation.
3-403.02Requirement for Cost or Pricing Data

The pricing policies which are applicable to contracts of any type and any price adjustments there-under when cost or pricing data are required to be submitted are set forth herein. The provisions herein requiring submission of cost or pricing data do not apply to a contract let by competitive sealed bidding (including multi-step bidding) except as may be provided herein below. Cost or pricing data may be required in support of a proposal when:

(a) any contract expected to exceed $75,000 is to be awarded by competitive sealed proposals or by sole-source procurement;
(b) an emergency procurement is made in excess of $75,000, but such data may be submitted after contract award; or,
(c) the Procurement Officer makes a written determination which shall be maintained in the agency's procurement file that the circumstances warrant required submission of cost or pricing data; provided, however, that cost or pricing data shall not be required where the contract award is made pursuant to competitive sealed bidding.
3-403.03Meaning of Terms "Adequate Price Competition," "Established Market Prices," and "Prices Set by Law or Regulation"

The terms "adequate price competition," "established market prices," and "prices set by law or regulation" shall be construed in accordance with the following definitions:

(a)Adequate Price Competition: Price competition exists if competitive sealed proposals are solicited and at least two responsible offerors independently compete for the contract to be awarded to the responsible offeror submitting the lowest evaluated price and meeting the requirements of the solicitation. If the foregoing conditions are met, price competition shall be presumed to be "adequate" unless the Procurement Officer determines in writing that such competition is not adequate.
(b)Established Market Prices: "Established Market Price" is a current price, established in the usual and ordinary course of trade between buyers and sellers, which can be substantiated from sources which are independent of the contractor and may be an indication of the reasonableness of price. If, despite the existence of an established market price, and after consultation with the prospective contractors, the Procurement Officer considers that such price is not reasonable, cost or pricing data may be requested.
(c)Prices Set by Law or Regulation: The price of a service is set by law or regulation if a governmental body established the price that the offeror or contractor may charge the State and other customers.
3-403.04Submission of Cost or Pricing Data and Certification
3-403.04.1Time and Manner

When cost or pricing data are required, they shall be submitted to the Procurement Officer prior to beginning price negotiations at the time and in the manner prescribed by the Procurement Officer. When the Procurement Officer requires the offeror or contractor to submit cost or pricing data in support of any proposal, such data shall either be actually submitted or specifically identified in writing.

3-403.04.2Obligation to Keep Data Current

The offeror or contractor is required to keep such submission current until the negotiations are concluded or, if applicable, until the contract is expired.

3-403.04.3Time for Certification

The offeror or contractor shall certify as soon as practicable after agreement is reached on price that the cost or pricing data submitted is accurate, complete, and current as of a mutually determined date prior to reaching agreement. Certification shall be made using the certificate set forth in Section 3-403.05 below.

3-403.04.4Refusal to Submit Data

A refusal by the offeror to supply the required data shall be referred to the Agency Head, whose duty shall be to determine in writing whether to disqualify the noncomplying offeror, to defer award pending further investigation, or to enter into the contract. A refusal by a contractor to submit the required data to support a price adjustment shall be referred to the Agency Head who shall determine in writing whether to further investigate the price adjustment, to disallow any price adjustment, or to set the amount of the price adjustment.

3-403.05Certificate of Current Cost or Pricing Data
3-403.05.1Form of Certificate

When cost or pricing data must be certified, a certificate substantially as set forth below shall be included in the agency's contract file along with any award documentation required under these regulations. The offeror or contractor shall be required to submit the certificate as soon as practicable after agreement is reached on the contract price or adjustment. CERTIFICATE OF CURRENT COST OR PRICING DATA

This is to certify that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, cost or pricing data as defined in Section 3-101.01 of the Mississippi Personal Service Contract Review Board Rules and Regulations submitted, either actually or by specific identification in writing (see Section 3-403.04) to the Procurement Officer in support of .......*, is accurate, complete, and current as of (date) (month) (year)**......

This certification includes the cost or pricing data supporting any advance agreement(s) between the offeror and the State of Mississippi which are part of the proposal.




Date of Execution***

--- (End of Certificate) ---

* Describe the proposal, quotation, request for price adjustment or other submission involved, giving appropriate identifying number (e.g., RFP No.).

** The effective date shall be a mutually determined date prior to, but as close to the date when price negotiations were concluded and the contract price was agreed to, as possible. The responsibility of the offeror or contractor is not limited by the personal knowledge of the offeror's or contractor's negotiator if the offeror or contractor had information reasonably available at the time of agreement, showing that the negotiated price is not based on accurate, complete, and current data.

***This date should be as soon after the date when the price negotiations were concluded and the contract price was agreed to as practical.

3-403.05.2Representation as to Accuracy of Cost or Pricing Data

Although the certificate pertains to cost or pricing data, it is not to be construed as a representation as to the accuracy of the offeror's or contractor's judgment on the estimated portion of future costs or projections. It does constitute a representation as to the accuracy of the data upon which the offeror's or contractor's judgment is based. A Certificate of Current Cost or Pricing Data shall not substitute for examination and analysis of the offeror's or contractor's proposal.

3-403.05.3Inclusion of Notice and Contract Clause

Whenever it is anticipated that a Certificate of Current Cost or Pricing Data may be required, notice of this requirement shall be included in the solicitation. If such a certificate is required, the contract shall include a clause giving the State a contract right to a reduction in the price as provided in Section 3-403.06 (Defective Cost or Pricing Data).

3-403.05.4Exercise of Option

The exercise of an option at the price established in the initial negotiation in which certified cost or pricing data was used does not require recertification or further submission of data.

3-403.06Defective Cost or Pricing Data
3-403.06.1Overstated Cost or Pricing Data

If certified cost or pricing data is subsequently found to have been inaccurate, incomplete, or noncurrent as of the date stated in the certificate, the State is entitled to an adjustment of the contract price, including profit or fee, to exclude any significant sum by which the price was increased because of the defective data.

Judgmental errors made in good faith concerning the estimated portions of future costs or projections do not constitute defective data. It is presumed that overstated costs or pricing data increased the contract price in the amount of the defect plus related overhead and profit or fee; therefore, unless there is a clear indication that the defective data was not used or relied upon, the price should be reduced in such amount. In establishing that the defective data caused an increase in the contract price, the Procurement Officer is not expected to reconstruct the negotiation by speculating as to what would have been the mental attitudes of the negotiating parties if the correct data had been submitted at the time of agreement on price.

3-403.06.2Offsetting Understated Cost or Pricing Data

In determining the amount of a downward adjustment, the contractor shall be entitled to an offsetting adjustment for any understated cost or pricing data submitted in support of price negotiations for the same pricing action up to the amount of the State's claim for overstated cost or pricing data arising out of the same pricing action.


If the contractor and the Procurement Officer cannot agree as to the existence of defective cost or pricing data or amount of adjustment due to defective cost or pricing data, the Procurement Officer shall set an amount in accordance with Subsections 3-403.06.1 and 3-403.06.2.

3-403.07Price Analysis Techniques

Price analysis is used to determine if a price is reasonable and acceptable. It involves an evaluation of the prices for the same or similar items or services. Examples of price analysis criteria include but are not limited to:

(a) price submission of prospective bidders or offers in the current procurement;
(b) prior price quotations and contract prices charged by the bidder, offeror, or contractor;
(c) prices published in catalogs or price lists;
(d) prices available on the open market; and,
(e) in-house estimates of cost.

In making such analysis, consideration must be given to any differing terms and conditions.

3-403.08Cost Analysis Techniques

Cost analysis includes the appropriate verification of cost or pricing data, and the use of this data to evaluate:

(a) specific elements of costs;
(b) the necessity for certain costs;
(c) the reasonableness of amounts estimated for the necessary costs;
(d) the reasonableness of allowances for contingencies;
(e) the basis used for allocation of indirect costs;
(f) the appropriateness of allocations of particular indirect costs to the proposed contract; and,
(g) the reasonableness of the total cost or price.
3-403.09Evaluations of Cost or Pricing Data

Evaluations of cost or pricing data should include comparisons of costs and prices of an offeror's cost estimates with those of other offerors and any independent Mississippi price and cost estimates. They shall also include consideration of whether such costs are reasonable and allowable.

27 Miss. Code. R. 100-3-403

Adopted 1/15/2015
Amended 1/15/2015
Amended 4/14/2016
Amended 7/1/2016