27 Miss. Code. R. 1-3-207

Current through October 10, 2024

Mississippi Code Annotated § 25-9-120 (1972, as amended) authorizes the PSCRB to, "establish a preapproved list of providers of various personal and professional services for set prices with which state agencies may contract without bidding or prior approval from the board." The PSCRB at its discretion may exercise its authority and establish preapproved vendor lists for use by entities under PSCRB purview. The preapproved vendor lists shall be posted on the PSCRB tab of the MSPB webpage at: http://www.mspb.ms.gov. Use of the preapproved vendor lists is optional.


The agency should locate the preapproved vendor list for the selected service in the region where the service is to be provided. The agency is encouraged, but not required, to contact the lowest bidder first. Once a vendor is selected, the agency and the vendor should finalize the negotiable terms and prepare a contract. The agency may use a form contract for the selected service drafted by the PSCRB and posted on the website. Use of the PSCRB form contract is strictly optional. The agency may submit a contract it prepares as long as the contract adheres to the required terms and conditions as stated in the IFB or RFP and the PSCRB form contract. Any additional terms or change in non-negotiable terms, such as the scope of services, may result in rejection of the contract.

3-207.02Contract Approval

The agency should submit an unsigned contract along with a SPAHRS report and any other required correspondence in the E-system. The PSCRB staff will review the contract for compliance and will notify the agency if the contract meets the requirements for a staff approval. If the requirements are not met, the contract may require Board approval or it may be rejected and the agency will need to complete a procurement for the services. The agency should submit the executed (signed) approved contract in the PSCRB E-system within ten (10) business days of receipt of notice that the contract is approved.

27 Miss. Code. R. 1-3-207

Amended 10/15/2015