27 Miss. Code. R. 1-2-103

Current through October 10, 2024

The PSCRB has the following powers and responsibilities as delineated in Mississippi Code Annotated § 25-9-120(3)(a) through (i) (1972, as amended):

(a) Promulgate rules and regulations governing the solicitation and selection of contractual services personnel including personal and professional services contracts for any form of consulting, policy analysis, public relations, marketing, public affairs, legislative advocacy services or any other contract that the board deems appropriate for oversight, with the exception of any personal service contracts entered into for computer or information technology-related services governed by the Mississippi Department of Information Technology Services, any personal service contracts entered into by the Mississippi Department of Transportation, and any contract for attorney, accountant, auditor, physician, dentist, architect, engineer, veterinarian and utility rate expert services. Any such rules and regulations shall provide for maintaining continuous internal audit covering the activities of such agency affecting its revenue and expenditures as required under Section 7-7-3(6)(d) of the Mississippi Code Annotated (1972, as amended).
(b) Approve all personal and professional services contracts involving the expenditures of funds in excess of One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000);
(c) Develop standards with respect to contractual services personnel which require invitations for public bid, requests for proposals, record keeping and financial responsibility of contractors. The Personal Service Contract Review Board may, in its discretion, require the agency involved to advertise such contract for public bid, and may reserve the right to reject any or all bids;
(d) Prescribe certain circumstances whereby agency heads may enter into contracts for personal and professional services without receiving prior approval from the PSCRB. The PSCRB may establish a preapproved list of providers of various personal and professional services for set prices with which state agencies may contract without bidding or prior approval from the board.
(e) To provide standards for the issuance of requests for proposals, the evaluation of proposals received, consideration of costs and quality of services proposed, contract negotiations, the administrative monitoring of contract performance by the agency and successful steps in terminating a contract;
(f) To present recommendations for governmental privatization and to evaluate privatization proposals submitted by any state agency;
(g) To authorize personal and professional service contracts to be effective for more than one (1) year provided a funding condition is included in any such multiple year contract;
(h) To request the State Auditor to conduct a performance audit on any personal or professional service contract;
(i) Prepare an annual report to the Legislature concerning the issuance of personal service contracts during the previous year, collecting any necessary information from state agencies in making such report.
2-103.01Procurement Regulations

Regulations shall be promulgated with approval of the PSCRB in accordance with authority granted under Mississippi Code Annotated § 25-9-120 (1972, as amended).

2-103.02Discretionary Authority

The PSCRB shall have the discretion to grant exceptions to these regulations when it is determined that it is in the best interest of the State to do so.

2-103.03Amendment to the Regulations

These regulations may be amended by the Board as authorized in Mississippi Code Annotated § 25-9-120 (1972, as amended).

27 Miss. Code. R. 1-2-103

Amended 10/15/2015