26 Miss. Code. R. 3-1.3

Current through October 10, 2024

The operator shall comply with the following requirements:

1. Identification of Platforms, Fixed Structures

Platforms and structures, other than individual wellhead structures, shall be identified at two diagonal corners of the platform or structure by a sign with letters and figures not less than twelve (12) inches in height with the following information: The name of lease operator, the name of the county, the block number in which the platform or structure is located and the platform or structure designation. The information shall be abbreviated as in the following example:

"The Blank Oil Company operates 'C' platform in Block 60 in Harrison County, Mississippi."

The identifying sign on the platform would show:


2. Identification of Single Well Structures and Small Structures.

Single well and small structures may be identified with one (1) sign only, with letters and figures not less than (3) three inches in height. The information shall be abbreviated as in the following example:

"The Blank Oil Company operates Well No. 1, which is equipped with a protective structure, in Block 60 in Hancock County, Mississippi."

The identifying sign on the protective structure would show:

"BOC-Han.-60-No. 1."

3. Identification of Wells

The State lease and well number shall be painted on, or a sign affixed to, each singly completed well. In multiply completed wells each completion shall be individually identified at the wellhead. All identifying signs shall be maintained in a legible condition.

26 Miss. Code. R. 3-1.3

MCA Section 53-1-17(3) (1972)