26 Miss. Code. R. 2-1.17

Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 26-2-1.17 - FIRES, LEAKS & BLOWOUTS

All persons operating any oil, gas or injection well or pipeline, or receiving tank, storage tank, or receiving and storage receptacle into which produced fluid is produced, received or stored, or through which produced fluid is piped or transported, shall immediately notify the Board by letter giving full details concerning all fires which occur at such oil, gas or injection well or tank or receptacle on their property, and all such persons shall immediately report all tanks or receptacles struck by lightning and any other fire which destroys oil or gas, and shall immediately report any breaks or leaks in or from tanks or receptacles and pipelines from which produced fluid or gas is escaping or has escaped. In all such reports, the location shall be given by section, township, range and property. Such report shall likewise specify what steps have been taken or are in progress to remedy the situation reported; and shall detail the quantity of produced fluid or gas lost, destroyed, or permitted to escape. In case any tank or receptacle is permitted to run over, the amount running over shall be reported as in the case of a leak. The report hereby required as to produced fluid losses shall be necessary only in case such loss exceeds one (1) barrel in the aggregate.

26 Miss. Code. R. 2-1.17

MCA Section 53-1-17(3) (1972)