* Individual submits a complete application packet.
* Complete applications are forwarded to the PLACE Review Board. The Review Board reviews all applications, evaluates materials against established criteria and makes recommendations to the DMH Executive Director. Applicants are notified in writing if more information is needed.
Each regularly-scheduled PLACE Review Board meeting has a corresponding deadline for receipt of complete application materials. Review Board meetings may be cancelled without prior notice.
A Review Board meeting calendar will be posted on the DMH website and provided to program Staff Development Officers (SDOs) on an annual basis.
To obtain a copy of the PLACE Review Board meeting
calendar, visit the DMH website, or contact the Division ofPLACE.
* The Executive Director reviews the PLACE Review Board recommendations and approves or disapproves each application for professional credentialing.
* Each applicant is subsequently notified in writing of the status of his/her application. The possible outcomes are:
Certification (CPSSP)
Once credentialed, the CPSSP will receive a credential award letter, followed by a certificate. The credential award letter will outline:
* The length of certification, including the CPSSP expiration date; the CPSSP expiration date is made to coincide with the DMH Peer Support Specialist Professional four-year renewal deadline. CPSSP renew every four years by the renewal deadline. Full certification timelines are addressed in Chapter Six.
* The CPSSP renewal requirements; renewal requirements are outlined in Chapter Seven.
Individuals who have been awarded full certification are expected to abide by the professional responsibility provisions in Chapter Eight.
Professional Identification
Individuals who make successful application for certification will be awarded a full certificate attesting to the title of "Certified Peer Support Specialist Professional" (CPSSP). CPSSP is renewable every four years.
Wall certificates issued by the DMH remain the property of DMH and must be surrendered upon request.
DMH intends that each individual hold only one certificate per professional title. DMH does not provide multiple original wall certificates.
Certificates issued by DMH reflecting credentialing as a CPSSP are valid for a maximum four-year Certification Period established by the Division. The issuance date is indicated on the certificate. Full certification timelines are addressed in Chapter Six. Full certificates are renewable.
Individuals holding a DMH professional credential who are currently practicing in the state mental health system should maintain a copy of proof of certification in their personnel file.
Upon separation from state mental health system employment, the credentialed individual should notify the Division accordingly, as outlined in Chapter Nine. Unless the separating individual is reemployed with another state mental health system program or requests and receives an appropriate credential status change, the certificate is invalid.
Replacement Certificates
Only individuals in good standing who are currently employed in the state mental health system (or in Inactive Status) may request a replacement certificate.
Upon written (or email) request, an individual may be allowed one replacement certificate at no charge for any of the following reasons:
* Printing Error;
* Damaged/Destroyed;
* Lost;
* Never received; or,
* Legal Name Change.
If the request is due to a legal name change, along with the request, the individual should submit a copy of legal documentation of the name change. The request should indicate the new name as it should appear on the replacement certificate. Name changes reported at the time of a new application do not have to be accompanied by a request or a copy of the legal documentation; this exemption does not apply to renewal applications.
If an individual makes more than one request for a replacement certificate, the Division reserves the right to impose the certificate replacement fee.
Once the new replacement certificate is issued, the previous certificate immediately becomes invalid. Possession and utilization of two certificates for fraudulent purposes is grounds for disciplinary action, including possible loss of credentialing.
The terms of administrative appeal are only applicable to the application process.
An applicant aggrieved by a decision regarding the initial, upgrade or renewal application for professional certification has the right to appeal to the DMH Executive Director. The applicant must notify the Division and provide any supplemental application information within 30 calendar days of the mailing of the application review results.
The DMH Executive Director or designee will review the application and supplemental information, if provided, and notify the applicant of the results of this review within 30 days.
An applicant aggrieved by the DMH Executive Director's final decision may then appeal to the State Board of Mental Health. Appeals to the State Board of Mental Health must be made within 30 calendar days of the mailing of the DMH Executive Director's final decision; the appeal must be made and conducted in accordance with established Board policy.
Miss. Code. tit. 24, pt. 5, ch. Five