24 Miss. Code. R. 3-20.1

Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 24-3-20.1 - DMH Professional Credentialing Terms and Definitions
A. The Mississippi Department of Mental Health (DMH) Division of Professional Licensure and Certification (PLACE) Professional Credentialing Rules and Requirements glossary is listed below.
B. The following terms and definitions apply to DMH professional credentialing programs administered through the DMH Division of PLACE:
1. Active Supervision: The process by which a supervisor monitors his/her supervisee's submitted required work experience for DMH professional credentialing. "Active" supervision occurs when the supervisor has functional line oversight over the supervisee and meets regularly with the supervisee to review work performance and provide ongoing feedback and evaluation.
2. Applicant: An individual who has submitted a complete application packet for DMH professional credentialing
3. Approved Educational Institution: A degree-granting institution of higher learning which is accredited by a Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA)-recognized and/or a United States Department of Education (USDE)-recog nized accrediting body
4. Audit: Random selection of renewed individuals for the purpose of determining compliance with the continuing education (CE) renewal requirement
5. Board: The Mississippi State Board of Mental Health
6. Certificate: A document issued by DMH attesting to an individual's DMH professional credential
7. Certification/Licensure Period: Individuals holding full certification/licensure are on a two-year certification/licensure schedule, referred to as the "certification/licensure period"; fully certified/licensed individuals renew every two years by the renewal deadline.
8. Certified Addictions Therapist (CAT): An individual who obtains and maintains the CAT credential through the Mississippi Department of Mental Health; this credential was formerly known as Certified Addiction Counselor (CAC).
9. Certified Community Support Specialist (CCSS): An individual who obtains and maintains the CCSS credential through the Mississippi Department of Mental Health; this credential was formerly known as Certified Case Management Professional (CCMP) and Certified Case Management Professional I (CCMP-I).
10. Certified Community Support Specialist II (CCSS-II): An individual who obtained and maintains the CCSS-II credential through the Mississippi Department of Mental Health; (This level of credentialing was discontinued effective January 2009. Though no longer available to new applicants, those who obtained the CCSS-II credential prior to its discontinuance may continue to renew it as long as renewal requirements are met); this credential was formerly known as Certified Case Management Professional II (CCMP-II).
11. Certified Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Therapist (CIDDT): An individual who obtains and maintains the CIDDT credential through the Mississippi Department of Mental Health; this credential was formerly known as Certified Mental Retardation Therapist (CMRT).
12. Certified Mental Health Therapist (CMHT): An individual who obtains and maintains the CMHT credential through the Mississippi Department of Mental Health
13. Community Support Services: Community support services as described in the DMH Operational Standards for Mental Health, Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities, and Substance Use Disorders Community Service Providers; community support services generally refer to an array of support services which focus on the individual's ability to succeed in the community; to identify and access needed services; and, to show improvement in school, work, family and community participation.
14. Continuing Education (CE) Hours: Educational/training activities required for renewal which are designed to increase the professional proficiency of an individual holding a DMH professional credential; one Continuing Education Hour (CE) consists of 60 consecutive minutes of training
15. Credential(ing): A generic term referring to any or all levels of DMH professional certification/licensure
16. Date of Issuance: The assigned date on which a DMH professional credential becomes effective
17. Director of Community Support Services/Director of ID/DD Waiver Support Coordination/IDD Targeted Case Management Supervisor/Wraparound Facilitation Supervisor: The Director of Community Support Services, Director of ID/DD Waiver Support Coordination, IDD Targeted Case Management Supervisor and/or the Wraparound Facilitation Supervisor provides direct oversight of a community support specialist's, ID/DD Waiver support coordinator's, IDD Targeted Case Manager's and/or a Wraparound Facilitator's work (as appropriate) and is the individual(s) at each Mississippi state mental health system program designated to verify the community support (or ID/DD Waiver Support Coordination/IDD Targeted Case Management/Wraparound Facilitation) work experience requirement for CCSS.
18. Division/Division of PLACE: The Department of Mental Health, Division of Professional Licensure and Certification (PLACE)
19. DMH: The Mississippi Department of Mental Health
20. DMH Addictions Therapist Examination: A comprehensive standardized examination, the content of which is based on a customized collection of e-learning courses (i.e., web-based training component) specific to the DMH Addictions Therapist program. This examination is designed to address basic knowledge and practical information pertinent to addictions therapists in the state mental health system. Successful completion of this examination is one of the requirements for CAT.
21. DMH Addictions Therapist Program Web-based Training Component: A customized collection of e-learning courses (i.e., web-based training component) specific to the DMH Addictions Therapist program, upon which the content of the comprehensive standardized DMH Addictions Therapist Examination is based
22. DMH Community Support Specialist Program Web-based Exam/Training Component: A customized collection of e-learning courses (and corresponding standardized exams) designed to address basic knowledge pertinent to community support specialists in the state mental health system; successful completion of the web-based exam/training component is one of the requirements for CCSS.
23. DMH Deputy Director: The Deputy Director of the Mississippi Department of Mental Health
24. DMH Executive Director: The Executive Director of the Mississippi Department of Mental Health
25. DMH Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Therapist Examination: A comprehensive standardized examination, the content of which is based on a customized collection of e-learning courses (i.e., web-based training component) specific to the DMH Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Therapist program. This examination is designed to address basic knowledge and practical information pertinent to intellectual and developmental disabilities therapists in the state mental health system. Successful completion of this examination is one of the requirements for CIDDT.
26. DMH Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Therapist Program Web-based Training Component: A customized collection of e-learning courses (i.e., web-based training component) specific to the DMH Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Therapist program, upon which the content of the comprehensive standardized DMH Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Therapist Examination is based
27. DMH Licensed Administrator Program Examinations: Standardized tests which are administered in the DMH Licensed Administrator program as a component of one of the Independent Study and Training requirement options. These tests are administered to measure applicable knowledge of specific rules, regulations and standards.
28. DMH Mental Health Therapist Examination: A comprehensive standardized examination, the content of which is based on a customized collection of e-learning courses (i.e., web-based training component) specific to the DMH Mental Health Therapist program. This examination is designed to address basic knowledge and practical information pertinent to mental health therapists in the state mental health system. Successful completion of this examination is one of the requirements for CMHT.
29. DMH Mental Health Therapist Program Web-based Training Component: A customized collection of e-learning courses (i.e., web-based training component) specific to the DMH Mental Health Therapist program, upon which the content of the comprehensive standardized DMH Mental Health Therapist Examination is based
30. DMH Operational Standards for Mental Health, Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities, and Substance Use Disorders Community Service Providers/DMH Operational Standards: Manual published by the Mississippi Department of Mental Health which establishes and promulgates required operational standards for programs receiving DMH certification
31. ID/DD Waiver Support Coordination Services: ID/DD Waiver Support Coordination Services are provided to individuals enrolled in the ID/DD Waiver. Support coordinators coordinate and monitor all services an individual on the ID/DD Waiver receives, regardless of funding source, to ensure services are adequate, appropriate, meet individual needs, and ensure the individual's health and welfare needs are met.
32. IDD Targeted Case Management Services: IDD Targeted Case Management Services refers to service provision under IDD community support programs and include development of a plan of services and supports and coordination and monitoring of services to ensure that services are adequate, appropriate and meet the person's unique needs.
33. Immediate Family Member: spouse, parent, stepparent, sibling, child or stepchild
34. Independent Study and Training (IST) Requirement: The prescribed program of study and training which must be successfully completed in order to obtain licensure as a "DMH Licensed Administrator." The DMH Licensed Administrator program has two IST options (the applicant chooses one).
35. License: A document issued by DMH attesting to an individual's DMH professional credential
36. Licensed Administrator (LA): An individual who obtains and maintains the LA credential through the Mississippi Department of Mental Health; this credential was formerly known as Licensed Mental Health/Mental Retardation Administrator (LA) or Licensed DMH Administrator (LA).
37. Licensed Administrator (LA) Program Participant: An individual who has been admitted into the DMH Licensed Administrator Program as a "Program Participant" and is working towards licensure as a "DMH Licensed Administrator"; individuals in the "Program Participant" phase DO NOT hold the "DMH Licensed Administrator" credential
38. Licensed Clinical Addictions Therapist (LCAT): An individual who obtained and maintains the LCAT credential through the Mississippi Department of Mental Health; (This level of credentialing was discontinued effective January 2009. Though no longer available to new applicants, those who obtained the LCAT credential prior to discontinuance may continue to renew it as long as renewal requirements are met); this credential was formerly known as Licensed Clinical Addiction Counselor (LCAC).
39. Licensed Clinical Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Therapist (LCIDDT): An individual who obtained and maintains the LCIDDT credential through the Mississippi Department of Mental Health; (This level of credentialing was discontinued effective January 2009. Though no longer available to new applicants, those who obtained the LCIDDT credential prior to its discontinuance may continue to renew it as long as renewal requirements are met); this credential was formerly known as Licensed Clinical Mental Retardation Therapist (LCMRT).
40. Licensed Clinical Mental Health Therapist (LCMHT): An individual who obtained and maintains the LCMHT credential through the Mississippi Department of Mental Health; (This level of credentialing was discontinued effective January 2009. Though no longer available to new applicants, those who obtained the LCMHT credential prior to discontinuance may continue to renew it as long as renewal requirements are met.)
41. PLACE Review Board/Review Board: The Professional Licensure and Certification (PLACE) Review Board
42. Provisional Certification Period: The Provisional Certification Period is the time period an individual holds provisional certification (PCMHT, PCIDDT, PCAT and/or PCCSS). The Provisional Certification Period begins on the day the provisional credential is issued and can last for a maximum of 24 consecutive months. Provisional certification is temporary and nonrenewable. By the end of the Provisional Certification Period, the provisionally-certified individual is expected to have completed all requirements to upgrade to full certification.
43. Provisionally Certified Addictions Therapist (PCAT): An individual who obtains the PCAT credential through the Mississippi Department of Mental Health. PCAT is a temporary, nonrenewable certification. PCATs work towards full certification as a Certified Addictions Therapist (CAT); this credential was formerly known as Provisionally Certified Addiction Counselor (PCAC).
44. Provisionally Certified Community Support Specialist (PCCSS): An individual who obtains the PCCSS credential through the Mississippi Department of Mental Health. PCCSS is a temporary, nonrenewable certification. PCCSSs work towards full certification as a Certified Community Support Specialist (CCSS); this credential was formerly known as Provisionally Certified Case Management Professional (PCCMP).
45. Provisionally Certified Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Therapist (PCIDDT): An individual who obtains the PCIDDT credential through the Mississippi Department of Mental Health. PCIDDT is a temporary, nonrenewable certification. PCIDDTs work towards full certification as a Certified Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Therapist (CIDDT); this credential was formerly known as Provisionally Certified Mental Retardation Therapist (PCMRT).
46. Provisionally Certified Mental Health Therapist (PCMHT): An individual who obtains the PCMHT credential through the Mississippi Department of Mental Health. PCMHT is a temporary, nonrenewable certification. PCMHTs work towards full certification as a Certified Mental Health Therapist (CMHT).
47. Qualified Sponsor: An individual who meets the DMH Licensed Administrator sponsor qualifications; who agrees to endorse an applicant for DMH Licensed Administrator; and, who oversees a DMH Licensed Administrator Program Participant's progress towards achieving licensure
48. Qualified Supervisor: A Qualified Supervisor is an individual who meets the established professional criteria to provide supervision over (and verify) a DMH-professional credentialing applicant's required work experience and who provides "active supervision" (as defined in this document) over the applicant's submitted required work experience.
49. Staff Development Officer (SDO): State mental health system program employee(s) who are responsible for maintaining staff development records and assisting in the verification of ongoing continuing education for renewal applicants. The SDO also serves as a liaison between the program and the Division and as a resource to his/her program concerning DMH professional credentialing. The SDO is appointed by the Program Executive Director; a record of SDO appointments is maintained on file by the Division.
50. State Mental Health System: The network of programs in Mississippi which are certified, funded, and/or operated/administered by the Mississippi Department of Mental Health (and also as outlined and defined in Section 41-4-7 of the Mississippi Code of 1972, Annotated)
51. Upgrade: Progression (i.e., moving) from provisional (temporary) certification to full certification
52. Wraparound Facilitation: The creation and facilitation of a child and family team for the purpose of developing a single plan of care to address the needs of youth with complex mental health challenges and their families

24 Miss. Code. R. 3-20.1

Section 41-4-7 of the Mississippi Code of 1972, Annotated
Adopted 5/1/2017