24 Miss. Code. R. 2-8.1

Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 24-2-8.1 - Governing Authority
A. The agency provider must have documented evidence of the source of its governing authority, whether corporate, charitable, or governmental board/commission, or other such authority.
B. If the governing authority is a corporate, charitable, or governmental board/commission, the governing authority must have and comply with bylaws and/or policies that:
1. Establish in writing the manner in which the governing authority provides for the election or appointment of its officers and members and the appointment of committees necessary to carry out its responsibilities.
2. Show documentation of the adoption of a schedule of meetings and quorum requirements, if applicable.
3. Require periodic meetings, but no less than annually.
4. Require meeting minutes, if applicable.
5. Provide assurances that meetings of the governing authority are open to the public and include procedures for notifying the public of meetings, if applicable.
6. Establish an organizational structure as evidenced by an organizational chart.

24 Miss. Code. R. 2-8.1

Miss. Code Ann. § 41-4-7
Amended 7/1/2016
Amended 9/1/2020
Amended 11/1/2024