24 Miss. Code. R. 2-54.6

Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 24-2-54.6 - Program Requirement Two (2): Availability and Accessibility of Services - General Requirements
A. The CCBHC provides a safe, functional, clean, sanitary, and welcoming environment for people receiving services and staff, conducive to the provision of services identified in Program Requirement Four (4). CCBHCs are encouraged to operate tobacco-free campuses.
B. Informed by the community needs assessment, the CCBHC ensures that services are provided during times that facilitate accessibility and meet the needs of the population served by the CCBHC, including some evening and weekend hours.
C. Informed by the community needs assessment, the CCBHC provides services at locations that ensure accessibility and meet the needs of the population to be served, such as settings in the community (e.g., schools, social service agencies, partner organizations, community centers) and, as appropriate and feasible, in the homes of people receiving services.
D. The CCBHC provides transportation or transportation vouchers for people receiving services to the extent possible with relevant funding or programs in order to facilitate access to services in alignment with the person-centered and family-centered treatment plan.
E. The CCBHC uses telehealth/telemedicine, video conferencing, remote patient monitoring, asynchronous interventions, and other technologies, to the extent possible, in alignment with the preferences of the person receiving services to support access to all required services.

Informed by the community needs assessment, the CCBHC conducts outreach, engagement, and retention activities to support inclusion and access for underserved people and populations.

F. Services are subject to all state standards for the provision of both voluntary and court ordered services.
G. The CCBHC has a continuity of operations/disaster plan. The plan will ensure the CCBHC is able to effectively notify staff, people receiving services, and healthcare and community partners when a disaster/emergency occurs, or services are disrupted. The CCBHC, to the extent feasible, has identified alternative locations and methods to sustain service delivery and access to behavioral health medications during emergencies and disasters. The plan also addresses health information technology (IT) systems security/ransomware protection and backup and access to these IT systems, including health records, in case of disaster.

24 Miss. Code. R. 2-54.6

Miss. Code Ann. § 41-4-7
Adopted 11/1/2024