Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 24-2-54.30 - Program Requirement Six (6): Organizational Authority, Governance, and Accreditation - GovernanceA. CCBHC governance must be informed by representatives of the person being served by the CCBHC in terms of demographic factors such as geographic area, race, ethnicity, sex, gender identity, disability, age, sexual orientation, and in terms of health and behavioral health needs. The CCBHC will incorporate meaningful participation from people with lived experience of mental and/or substance use disorders and their families, including youth. This participation is designed to assure that the perspectives of people receiving services, families, and people with lived experience of mental health and substance use conditions are integrated in leadership and decision-making.B. CCBHCs are required to submit their CCBHC governance plan to DMH annually for approval. CCBHCs will also be required to submit quarterly reporting to DMH on outcomes and results of their governance plan. DMH will evaluate the CCBHC's plan on the following criteria to ensure meaningful participation in the CCBHC's governance involving people with lived experience. The governance plan must include at a minimum: 1. A formal advisory committee/working group made up of a majority of people with lived experiences, including two (2) youth members.2. The CCBHC provides dedicated staff to support the formal advisory committee/working group that is equivalent to the support given to the governing board.3. The formal advisory committee/working group gathers input on:(a) Community needs and goals and objectives of the CCBHC.(b) Service development, quality improvement, and the activities of the CCBHC.(c) Fiscal and budgetary decisions.(d) Governance (human resource planning, leadership recruitment and selection, etc.).4. Protocols exist for incorporating input from the formal advisory committee/working group to the CCBHC governance, including making the results of its efforts in terms of outcomes and resulting changes available.5. Governing board meeting summaries are shared with those participating and are entered into the formal CCBHC governance board record.6. Members must be invited to board meetings; and representatives of the formal advisory committee/working group must have the opportunity to regularly address the board directly, share recommendations directly with the board, and have their comments and recommendations recorded in the board minutes.7. Meeting notices, recommendations, and an annual summary of the recommendations from the formal advisory committee/working group on the CCBHC's website.8. Meaningful participation means involving a substantial number of people with lived experience and family members of people receiving services or people with lived experience in developing initiatives; identifying community needs, goals, and objectives; providing input on service development and CQI processes; and budget development and fiscal decision-making.C. To the extent the CCBHC is comprised of a governmental or tribal organization, subsidiary, or part of a larger corporate organization that cannot meet these requirements for board membership, the CCBHC will specify the reasons why it cannot meet these requirements. The CCBHC will have or develop an advisory structure and describe other methods for people with lived experience and families to provide meaningful participation as defined above.D. Members of the governing or advisory boards will be representative of the communities in which the CCBHC's service area is located and will be selected for their expertise in health services, community affairs, local government, finance and accounting, legal affairs, trade unions, faith communities, commercial and industrial concerns, or social service agencies within the communities served. No more than one half (50%) of the governing board members may derive more than 10% of their annual income from the health care industry.24 Miss. Code. R. 2-54.30