Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 24-2-54.17 - Program Requirement Four (4): Scope of Services - Requirement of Person-Centered and Family-Centered CareA. The CCBHC ensures all CCBHC services, including those supplied by its DCOs, are provided in a manner aligned with the requirements of the applicable section of the Affordable Care Act. These reflect person-centered and family-centered, recovery-oriented care; being respectful of the needs, preferences, and values of the person receiving services; and ensuring both involvement of the person receiving services and self-direction of services received. Services for children and youth are family-centered, youth-guided, and developmentally appropriate. A shared decision-making model for engagement is the recommended approach. Note: Refer to the program requirement regarding coordination of services and treatment planning and criteria relating specifically to requirements for services for veterans.B. Person-centered and family-centered care is responsive to the race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, and gender identity of the person receiving services and includes care which recognizes the particular cultural and other needs of the person. This care includes, but is not limited to, services for people who are American Indian or Alaska Native (AI/AN) or other cultural or ethnic groups, for whom access to traditional approaches or medicines may be part of CCBHC services. For people receiving services who are AI/AN, these services may be provided either directly or by arrangement with tribal organizations.24 Miss. Code. R. 2-54.17