Rule 24-2-14.9 - Grievances and InvestigationA. If a grievance is filed with DMH, it may be submitted via a written, electronically submitted, or verbal statement. The grievance must include the following information: 1. The DMH-certified provider's name;2. The name and contact information of the aggrieved party;3. The date of the grievance; and4. A statement of the grievance alleging a violation of rights or policy or provider certification rule.B. By submitting a grievance, the aggrieved party is waiving confidentiality as is necessary for DMH to review the alleged violation.C. The grievance should include the charges set forth with such clarity as to inform DMH and the certified provider of the issue involved.D. Grievances lodged with insufficient information may be unable to be addressed by DMH. Moreover, failure of the aggrieved party to respond to questions or requests for information from DMH agency staff may result in grievance dismissal.E. Priority for investigation is given to grievances which suggest the possibility of imminent harm. Grievances will be evaluated by the appropriate DMH designee within 30 business days of receipt of the grievances.F. Depending on the severity of the grievance and the results of the investigation, DMH reserves the right to migrate the grievance to a complaint, to include any/or all additional steps pertaining to complaints investigation and disposition.