24 Miss. Code. R. 1-9.3.3

Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 24-1-9.3.3 - NAME

The Department of Mental Health professional credientialing rules, requirements and application guidelines shall be delineated in booklet form. DMH professional credentialing programs shall be entitled:

A. DMH Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Therapist Program;
B. DMH Mental Health Therapist Program;
C. DMH Licensed Administrator Program;
D. DMH Addiction Therapist Program;
E. DMH Community Support Specialist Program; and
F. DMH Peer Support Specialist Program.

24 Miss. Code. R. 1-9.3.3

Miss Code Ann. § 41-4-1 et seq. and § 41-4-7.
Amended 7/10/2015
Amended 4/1/2017
Amended 8/6/2017
Amended 11/1/2018