24 Miss. Code. R. 1-6.3.8

Current through January 14, 2025
A. Notification of Board action will be forwarded to opponents within ten (10 calendar days of Board's decision. Opponents of the Board's action may request a review of such action.
B. Such requests should be in writing and be accompanied by an explanation of the request and should be received by the Executive Director within ten (10) calendar days of opponent's receipt of Board's adverse ruling.
C. Board review under this section may be based upon written documentation or may be presented orally, as deemed appropriate by the Board.
D. Board will review request for adverse ruling as soon as practical and notify opponent of its decision within ten (10) days.

24 Miss. Code. R. 1-6.3.8

Miss Code Ann. § 41-4-1 et seq. and § 23-43-1, et seq.
Amended 7/10/2015
Amended 4/1/2017
Amended 8/6/2017
Amended 11/1/2018