Each program shall have a Human Rights/Advocacy Committee whose duties are to protect the rights of individuals within the care of the program.
The committee shall consist of no less than five (5) members, appointed by the Director and confirmed by the Executive Director. The membership should be broadly representative of professional and consumer groups. There shall be no requirement to utilize employees of the program as HRAC members; however, if they are utilized, they shall not comprise majority membership of the committee.
Appointment to the HRAC will be for a term of two (2) years.
The HRAC shall have written bylaws which cover matters such as parliamentary procedures, election of officers, confidentiality, etc.
The HRAC shall hold a meeting at least quarterly, and more often as needed.
The HRAC shall elect a chairperson and vice chairperson to serve a one year term. The chairperson shall coordinate the activities of the HRAC and preside at committee meetings. The chairperson will have direct access to the Director. The vice chairperson shall serve as chairman in the absence of the chairman.
The HRAC shall:
The HRAC shall submit to the Board of Mental Health a confidential summary of activities and recommendations, if any, at least annually. The report shall include a summary of at least the following:
The format of this report shall be approved by the Board.
24 Miss. Code. R. 1-5.4