22 Miss. Code. R. 6-05-5.6

Current through December 10, 2024
Rule 22-6-05-5.6

The live bait dealer's license shall identify one individual who shall be responsible for operation of the bait camp and its designated live bait catcher boat and the live bait shrimp transport vehicle in accordance with all applicable laws, regulations and fees. The live bait catcher boat captain's license shall be purchased at the same time the vessel license is purchased. It shall be unlawful to substitute captains or operate a live bait catcher boat without the designated captain aboard prior to receiving written approval from the Executive Director or his designee. Requests to substitute captains must be submitted in writing in advance of such substitutions to the Executive Director for his approval. Each live bait captain is allowed one alternate live bait captain per live bait boat license. If a change of personnel occurs on said license (including the captain or the alternate captain) a new captain's license must be purchased.

22 Miss. Code. R. 6-05-5.6

MISS. CODE ANN. §§ 49-15-15, 49-15-64, 49-15-303, 49-15-304, 49-15-307.
Adopted 1/20/2022