Current through January 14, 2025
Oil and Gas Exploration and Production
110.01 Directional drilling from existing sites, canals, bayous, deeper bay waters, or non-marsh locations must be used in preference to temporary roads. Temporary roadbeds (preferably plank roads) to provide access from land must be used in preference to dredging canals for access to well sites.110.02 Proposed road alignments must use upland or previously disturbed marsh areas. 110.03 All streams must be bridged or provided with culverts to prevent alterations to tidal influence and natural drainage patterns.110.04 Culverts or similar structures must be installed under the road at appropriate intervals (never more than two hundred and fifty (250) feet apart) to prevent blockage of surface drainage or tidal flow, with all culvert openings being subsequently maintained.110.05 No hydrocarbons, hydrocarbon containing substances, drilling muds, drill cuttings, or toxic substances are allowed to flow into coastal wetlands or other wetlands adjacent to coastal wetlands.110.06 Upon completion or abandonment of wells in coastal wetlands or other wetlands adjacent to coastal wetlands, all unnecessary equipment must be removed; the well site, levees, roads, and work areas must be restored to the conditions that supported the type of wetland that existed prior to development.110.07 Existing navigable waters must be used for access to oil and gas extraction sites in preference to new dredging or excavation.110.08 Sensitive coastal wetlands and other productive shallow water areas must be avoided when siting extraction facilities. Directional drilling must be employed when the shorelines of barrier islands or beaches, small fishing banks, hard banks, or reefs would otherwise be disturbed.110.09 No discharge into coastal wetlands or other wetlands adjacent to coastal wetlands of cuttings, drilling fluids, produced waters, sanitary wastes, contaminated deck drainage, or any other materials that are associated with oil and gas operations in the coastal wetlands of Mississippi, except that non-contact cooling waters when permitted for discharge under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System program is allowed.110.10 To maintain the integrity of small fishing banks, (generally five hundred (500) acres or less) and their accessibility by sport and commercial fishermen, no structures are authorized to be placed either temporarily or permanently on the top of these banks.110.11 For exploration and production activities in close proximity to sensitive coastal wetlands or fishing areas, uncontaminated drill cuttings must be shunted away from sensitive areas and discharged at or near the bottom, or must be transported to shore or to less sensitive offshore locations.110.12 Drilling and production structures, and oil pipelines must not be placed within one (1) mile of the bases of live reefs.110.13 All facilities, obstructions, or debris that could impair recreational or commercial fishing must be removed or terminated beneath the water bottom. Whenever this is not practicable, a lighted buoy must mark them to prevent fouling of fishing gear. 110.14 All pipelines placed in coastal wetlands must be buried.110.15 See also Requirements for Dredging and Excavation (Chapter 08, 117).22 Miss. Code. R. 23-08-110