Rule 22-2-02-2.1 - DefinitionsA. BIB OR TONGUE- An extension of the middle section of the upper part of the net with a triangular piece of webbing. The bib or tongue requires additional line(s), other than the lines attached to the trawl boards, which run from the bridle or boat to the bib or tongue.B. FOOTROPE- Leadline, footline, groundrope or that lower part of the trawl that the webbing is first attached, that also provides for the weighing down of the trawl by means of lead weights, chain or other means.C. HEADROPE- Corkline, headline, floatline or that upper part of the trawl that the webbing is first attached, that also provides flotation by means of corks, floats or other means.D. PUSH TRAWL- A trawl that is spread by poles suspended in a "V" configuration from the bow of the trawler.E. SIAMESE TRAWL- A trawl that has two tongues one on the headrope and one on the footrope at or near the center of the net which requires additional line(s), other than the lines attached to the trawl boards, which run from the bridle, outrigger or boat to the tongues.F. SKIMMER TRAWL- A trawl that extends from the outrigger of a vessel with a cable and a lead weight holding the trawl mouth open.G. WING NET (BUTTERFLY TRAWL)- A trawl with a rigid frame holding open the trawl mouth rather than using trawl doors.22 Miss. Code. R. 2-02-2.1
Miss. Code Ann. §§ 49-15-15, 49-15-64.1, 49-15-303, 49-15-304 and 49-15-307