22 Miss. Code. R. 18-05-5.5

Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 22-18-05-5.5

The total catch of shrimp will be limited to that deemed necessary by the MDMR and the applicant, but will not exceed a maximum of 500 pounds. Any by-catch must be returned to the water immediately. The Executive Director will determine the total number of oysters the permittee will be allowed to harvest under the conditions of the permit.

22 Miss. Code. R. 18-05-5.5

MISS. CODE ANN. §§ 49-15-11, 49-15-15, 49-15-36, 49-15-64, 49-15-303, 49-15-304, and 49-15307.
Adopted 7/29/2022