22 Miss. Code. R. 17-09-105

Current through January 14, 2025
Section 22-17-09-105

A suspension of license and certification shall remain in effect until the violation has been corrected to the satisfaction of the Commission. In a case where the molluscan shellfish and molluscan shellfish products involved create a health hazard or whenever adulterated or misbranded molluscan shellfish and/or molluscan shellfish products are found, or in any case of willful refusal to permit an inspection, the DMR, its Executive Director, Seafood Technology Bureau Director, or other DMR personnel designated by the DMR Executive Director, may issue a Cease and Desist order effective immediately to suspend all related molluscan shellfish activities. This order shall be in effect until such time as proper corrective actions have been taken and the order is officially lifted.

22 Miss. Code. R. 17-09-105