22 Miss. Code. R. 1-11-11.3

Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 22-1-11-11.3 - Relaying Molluscan Shellstock
A. Relaying Application
1. All persons, firms, or corporations other than the MDMR wanting to relay molluscan shellfish in the State of Mississippi must complete and submit an application for a relaying permit to the MDMR. Applications are available from the MDMR.
2. All applicants must:
i. Hold a valid lease for molluscan shellfish bedding grounds in the State of Mississippi.
ii. Have a valid Mississippi shellfish license.
3. Applications will be reviewed by the MDMR Authority for compliance with application guidelines and requested information.
4. When all application guidelines are met and requested information provided, the applicant's intent to relay will be advertised once a week for two (2) consecutive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation in the county or counties closest to the intended activity.
5. Written public comment will be received by the MDMR for a period of fifteen (15) days from the first date of advertisement.
6. Applicants will be notified in writing of the MDMR actions.
B. When the MDMR approves the request to relay molluscan shellstock, a relaying permit will be issued which will give specific conditions permitted for relaying activities and reference all regulations.
C. The Permittee:
1. Must hold a valid lease of molluscan shellfish bedding grounds in the State of Mississippi.
2. Must fulfill all permit requirements as established by the MDMR Authority.
3. Is not permitted to relay shellstock from one restricted area to another restricted area.
D. The Permittee must not relay shellfish from the restricted area without the presence of an MDMR designated official.
E. The MDMR designated official must be present at all times relaying activities are in progress. This will include the time the shellfish are harvested from the restricted area to their deposition on private leased grounds, or to an onshore, molluscan depuration facility.
F. The permittee must pay, to the MDMR Business Office, an amount equal to the compensation regularly received by the MDMR Staff for the time such Staff actually spends performing the above described duties.

22 Miss. Code. R. 1-11-11.3

MISS. CODE ANN. §§ 49-15-15, 49-15-37, 49-15-303, 49-15-304; NSSP Model Ordinance §§ II-V, III-V, IV-II
Adopted 8/22/2021
Amended 7/24/2023
Amended 7/19/2024