21 Miss. Code. R. 201-2.6

Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 21-201-2.6 - Processing of public records requests Electronic records

Providing electronic records. When a requestor requests records in an electronic format, the public records officer will provide the nonexempt records or portions of such records that are reasonably locatable in an electronic format that is used by the public body and is generally commercially available, or in a format that is reasonably translatable from the format in which the public body keeps the record. Costs for providing electronic records are governed elsewhere in these rules.

Customized access to data bases. With the consent of the requestor, the Ethics Commission may provide customized access if the record is not reasonably locatable or not reasonably translatable into the format requested. The Ethics Commission may charge the actual cost for such customized access.

21 Miss. Code. R. 201-2.6

Section 25-61-5, Miss. Code of 1972.