Note : Diagnostic arthroscopy is considered to be included in a surgical arthroscopy. Only in the most unusual case is an increased fee justified because of increased complexity of the intra-articular surgery performed.
To help alleviate any misunderstanding about when to code a discectomy in addition to an arthrodesis, the statement "including minimal discectomy" to prepare interspace has been added to the anterior interbody technique. If the disk is removed for decompression of the spinal cord, the decompression should be coded and reimbursed separately.
* Surgical approach;
* Isolation of neurovascular structures;
* Video imaging;
* Stimulation of nerves for identification;
* Application of dressing, splint, or cast;
* Tenolysis of flexor tendons;
* Flexor tenosynovectomy;
* Excision of lipoma of carpal canal;
* Exploration of incidental release of ulnar nerve;
* Division of transverse carpal ligament;
* Use of endoscopic equipment;
* Placement and removal of surgical drains or suction device; and
* Closure of wound.
20 Miss. Code. R. 2-IV