20 Miss. Code R. § 2-II

Current through June 25, 2024
Section 20-2-II - DEFINITIONS
A.Medications are defined as drugs prescribed by a licensed health care provider and include name brand and generic drugs as well as patented or over-the-counter drugs, compound drugs and physician-dispensed or repackaged drugs.
B.Average Wholesale Price (AWP) means Average Wholesale Price based on data obtained from manufacturers. Under this Fee Schedule, drugs should be reimbursed according to the AWP based on the most current edition of the Drug Topics Red Book in effect at the time the medication is dispensed.

Pharmacy bills should be submitted using the NCPDP Workers' Compensation/Property and Casualty Claim Form or the equivalent NCPDP electronic format. Forms can be obtained here:https://www.ncpdp.org/Products/Universal-Claim-Forms [File Link Not Available] Nothing shall prohibit parties from using an agreed upon billing form or format.

20 Miss. Code. R. § 2-II

Amended 6/14/2017
Amended 6/15/2019