Current through January 14, 2025
Section 20-2-VI - GENERAL RULES A.. Reimbursement will be limited to three (3) epidural pain injections in a twelve (12) month period unless the payer provides prior approval for more than three (3) such injections. Separate billing for the drug injected will not be reimbursed. B.Trigger Point Injections. Trigger point (also called myofascial or myoneural) injections are reimbursed as one (1) procedure regardless of the number of injection sites. Multiple injections, and multiple regions will be reimbursed asone procedure. Report CPT 20552 for injection(s) single or multiple trigger point(s), one or two muscles, or 20553, injection(s), single or multiple trigger point(s), three or more muscles, Only one of these procedure codes will be reimbursed per date of service. C.Investigational Procedures. Refer to the General Rules section. D.Sacroiliac (SI) Joint. Therapeutic and diagnostic sacroiliac joint injections require the use of image guidance. Injections performed without imaging guidance, should be billed, and will be reimbursed, as a trigger point injection. CPT code 27096 requires the use of imaging confirmation of intra-articular needle positioning.