20 Miss. Code R. § 101-800-800.00

Current through January 14, 2025
Section 20-101-800-800.00 - Mississippi First Initiative (Senate Bill 2662)

The Mississippi Jobs First Bill (SB NO. 2622 of the 2012 Legislative Session and any future corresponding citation in the Mississippi Code of 1972) requires contractors that are awarded bids for public works projects that utilize funds received by State or Local governmental entities resulting from a federally declared disaster or a spill of national significance to register and list job opportunities with the Mississippi Department of Employment Security (MDES). This initiative will ensure that Mississippians have an opportunity to apply for jobs created by a disaster.

NOTE: The following rules (800.01-800.04) concerning the Mississippi Jobs First Bill pertain only to contracts executed after the law went into effect on May 1, 2012. All contracts existing before the effective date are not subject to these provisions.

20 Miss. Code. R. § 101-800-800.00