Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 2-903-1.5 - Definition of Term Definition of Terms
A.ACP - Agricultural Conservation Program which provides cost share payment administered by United States Department of Agriculture, ASCS.B.Allocation - Funds set aside for a soil and water conservation district to use.C.Applicant - Any landowner or operator that has requested cost share money by completing the proper form.D.Appropriation - Funds appropriated by the Mississippi Legislature to the Commission for use on the cost share program.
E.Case File - A record assembled and maintained in a folder by the district for each applicant.F.Categories - Those titles assigned to a group of practices according to the purpose for which they are installed.G.Certifying Technician - A qualified employee of the District, Soil Conservation Service, Mississippi Forestry Commission, or the Department of Wildlife Conservation.H.Commission - The Mississippi Soil and Water Conservation Commission.I.Commissioner - An elected or appointed member of the Soil and Water Conservation District Board. J.Complaint - A written, signed document appealing a decision of the district.K.District - A governmental subdivision of the State and a public body, corporate and political, organized, for the purpose, with the powers and subject to the restrictions hereinafter set forth.L.District Cooperator - A landowner or operator that has a signed farmer cooperative agreement and has been approved by the district.M.District Plan - A plan made by the district showing the priority of practices for cost share utilization.N.Excessive Erosion - Erosion exceeding the tolerable limits. O.Land Operator - Any person, firm or corporation, other than the owner, who shall be in possession of any lands lying within a soil and water conservation district whether as leaseholder, renter, tenant, or otherwise.P.Landowner - Any person, firm or corporation who shall hold a legal or equitable title to any lands lying within a soil and water conservation district.Q.MFC - Mississippi Forestry Commission.R.Obligated Funds - Funds that are approved and set aside for cost share payment.S.Conservation Plan - A record of landowner's or operator's land use(s) and conservation treatment decisions for a field or farm.T.Practice Description - A description of each approved practice showing primary purpose, description, where applicable, component parts and maintenance requirements. Secondary benefits may also be included.U.Practice list - A list of approved practices by priorities, practice name and number.V.Practice Specification - A description of each approved practice showing how it will be installed.W.Program Year - Fiscal year (July 1 - June 30) for which the funds were appropriated. X.Soil Erosion Control Practices - Those practices for which the primary purpose is reducing erosion.Y.USDA, NRCS - United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service.Z.Water Conservation Practices - Those practices for which the primary purpose is to store surface water or increase infiltration.AA.Wildlife Habitat Improvement - Those practices for which the primary purpose is to preserve or improve wildlife habitat.Miss. Code Ann. §§ 69-27-1(1972), 69-27-1(1972)