Current through January 14, 2025
Certificates of Veterinary Inspection (CVIs) issued by licensed accredited veterinarians shall be obtained for all sheep and goats, except those for immediate slaughter and shall comply with the following:
1. Intact sheep and goats require individual identification; must include the individual official ID numbers(s) or the flock of-origin ID number(s), the total number of animals, the purpose of the movement, the name and address of the consignor and consignee, and the points of origin and destination.2. CVIs must additionally have the following signed owner statement: "I certify that the sexually intact animals represented on this form are not known to be Scrapie-positive, suspect, high risk, or exposed, and did not originate from a known infected, source, exposed, or noncompliant flock."3. Animals from "non-consistent" states may only enter if from a Scrapie Certified Flock with prior entry permit from the state veterinarian.2 Miss. Code. R. 101-2-16-108
Miss. Code Ann. § 69-15-3.