Current through January 14, 2025
For the purpose of this Rule, the following definitions shall apply:
1. APHIS, United States Department of Agriculture, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service.2. FSA, United States Department of Agriculture, Farm Service Agency.3. Assessment. The amount per acre to be charged each cotton grower to finance, in whole or part, a boll weevil suppression, pre-eradication, eradication or containment/maintenance program within this state. Such assessments would be based on scientifically sound data regarding the level of boll weevil infestation and the anticipated cost of conducting the proposed program.4. Boll Weevil, Anthonomus grandis Boheman in any stage of development.5. Certified Cotton Growers Organization. A cotton grower's organization certified by the Bureau of Plant Industry for the purpose of entering into agreements with the state of Mississippi, other states, federal agencies, and any other agency of Mississippi or another state as may be necessary to carry out the purposes of this Rule.6. Bureau. The Bureau of Plant Industry within the regulatory office of the Mississippi Department of Agriculture and Commerce.7. Certificate. A document issued or authorized by the Commissioner indicating that a regulated article is not contaminated with boll weevils. Such articles may be moved to any destination.8. Commissioner. The Commissioner of Agriculture and Commerce or his designated representative.9. Compliance Agreement. A written agreement between the Mississippi Department of Agriculture and Commerce and any person engaged in growing, dealing in, or moving regulated articles where the latter agrees to comply with specified provisions to prevent dissemination of the boll weevil.10. Containment/maintenance. Means a statewide program designed to monitor the level of boll weevil infestations to eliminate any re-infestations of boll weevils.11. Cotton. Any cotton plant or cotton plant products upon which the boll weevil is dependent for completion of any portion of its life cycle.12. Department. The Mississippi Department of Agriculture and Commerce.13. Eradication Area. That portion of Mississippi where eradication of the boll weevil is undertaken as an objective.14. Eradication Program. Any unified regional or statewide program designed to eliminate the boll weevil as an economic pest within the specified area.15. Gin trash. All material produced during the cleaning and ginning of seed cotton, bolls or snapped cotton except lint and cottonseed.16. Grower. Any person who is responsible for production and sale of cotton on any individual farm.
17. Host. Any plant or plant product upon which the boll weevil is dependent for completion of any portion of its life cycle.18. Infested. Actually infested with a boll weevil or so exposed to infestation that it would be reasonable to believe that an infestation exists.19. Non-Commercial cotton. Cotton intended for purposes other than processing.20. Permit. A document issued or authorized by the Commissioner to provide for the movement of regulated articles to restricted destination for limited handling, utilization, or processing.21. Person. Any individual, corporation, company, society, association, or other business entity. 22. Region. A specific cotton growing area within the state as defined by the Technical Advisory Committee of the Certified Cotton Growers Organization, as those regions existed before July 1, 2010.23. Regulated Area. Any county, parish, township, city or other civil division or part thereof in any state or territory listed in this Rule being placed under quarantine, and such other areas as may become infested or deemed to present a hazard of spread of the boll weevil.24. Re-infestation. Re-infestation shall occur when more than one boll weevil is trapped in any cycle or combination of successive cycles or so exposed to infestation with a boll weevil that it would be considered infested and reproduction is occurring according to criteria established by program management and the Mississippi Boll Weevil Management Corporation.25. Seed Cotton. Cotton as it comes from the field prior to ginning.26. Used Cotton Equipment. Any cotton equipment previously used to harvest, strip, transport, or process cotton.27. Waiver. A written authorization which exempts an individual from compliance with one or more specific requirements of this Rule.2 Miss. Code. R. 1-3-13-101
Miss. Code Ann. § 69-37-3 (Rev. 2010). /