2 Miss. Code. R. 1-3-12-102.02

Current through January 14, 2025
Section 2-1-3-12-102.02 - Fees for Testing Seed
1. Germination test. $5.00 All samples submitted for germination only.
2. Complete test.
a. $6.00 Austrian Pea, Corn, Cotton, Southern Pea, Peanut, Soybeans and Vegetable seeds.
b. $7.00 Oats, Rice, Rye, Sorghum, Vetch, Wheat, and Wild Winter Peas.
c. $8.00 Clovers, Grasses, Lespedezas and Millets.
d. $10.00 All two-component mixtures; All Flower seed.
e. All mixtures of more than two components shall be charged $10.00 plus $2.00 for each extra component.
3. Seed not listed shall be charged equal to that of a seed with similar difficulty and testing procedures.
4. Purity-only charges are based on the price for a complete test minus $3.00
5. Special Tests:
a. $8.00 Cool Tests; All kinds.
b. Tetrazolium Tests
i. $25.00 Cottonseed
ii. $8.00 - Soybeans, Corn and small grains
c. $10.00 - Accelerated-aging Test
d. $25.00 Acid Test on Bahiagrass.
e. Fescue Endophyte Tests.
i. $20.00 - Seed Examination
ii. $25.00 - Seed Grow-Out Test
iii. $22.00 - Plant Tissue Analysis Test
f. Moisture $5.00
g. Red Rice $5.00
h. Herbicide Tolerance Test $12.00
i. Seed Count $5.00
j. Clorox Test $5.00
k. Genetically-Modified Organism Strip-Testing - Cost of strip test plus $25.00 per hour personnel fees in 1/4 hour increments. 1/2 hour minimum charge.
6. Other charges: Information requested above and beyond normal test results will be assessed a charge of $5.00 per sample.

2 Miss. Code. R. 1-3-12-102.02

Miss. Code Ann. § 69-3-17.
Amended 1/6/2020